Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

The position of administrative assistant in the Spanish public sector is one of the most stable job options, with constant demand and annual public competitions. For example, in 2023 almost 40,000 places were put up for competition only for the State – which go beyond the specific competitions for the autonomous communities or local councils. Therefore, the first question that the opponent usually asks is: how much exactly does an administrative assistant of the State earn?

The salary of a State administrative assistant varies depending on several factors, including seniority, overtime, and specific bonuses. In general terms, an administrative assistant begins his career with a base salary that can vary between 15,000 and 18,000 euros gross per year. However, these numbers can increase with the passage of time and the accumulation of experience and responsibilities.

In addition to the base salary, State administrative assistants can also receive a series of supplements that increase their remuneration. These complements include the destination complement, which depends on the level of the position within the administration, and the specific complement, which varies depending on the particular tasks and responsibilities of each position. For example, those who work in areas with a higher workload or responsibility may receive a higher targeted supplement.

Another factor to consider is age. Public sector employees, including administrative assistants, usually receive trienniums, that is, a salary increase that is granted every three years of service. This increase, although not significantly high, contributes to a gradual increase in salary over the years.

It is important to highlight that State administrative assistants also enjoy additional benefits, such as greater job stability, possibilities for internal promotion and access to continuous training. These benefits, although not monetary, represent significant added value for employees in this sector. But what does the salary itself translate into for a State administrative assistant?

The salary of the administrative assistant, broken down

1.Base salary: The base salary is the fixed amount that the employee receives, without considering supplements or extras. According to Opositatest, for an administrative assistant this amount is 696.13 euros per month, which adds up to a total of 8,353.56 euros per year. This base salary is the starting point for calculating total remuneration.

2.Seniority (triennia): Triennia are salary increases granted for every three years of service. Each three-year period provides an extra 20.84 euros per month, or 250.08 euros per year. This three-year system encourages tenure, rewarding loyalty and experience.

3. Extra pay (June and December): Extra pay are additional amounts that are generally paid in June and December. These amounts depend on each position and can vary, but usually represent a significant sum that is added to the annual salary.

4.Target complement (level 14): This complement is related to the level of the position within the administration. For level 14, the supplement is 354.35 euros per month, accumulating 4,252.2 euros per year. This complement recognizes the responsibility and hierarchical level of the position.

5.Specific complement: Varies depending on the responsibilities and tasks of the position. This supplement can differ widely between positions and there is no fixed amount stipulated, depending on the specific characteristics of each job.

6.Total gross salary (without three-year periods, extras or additional payments): Without counting three-year periods, extra pay or other additional benefits, the total gross monthly salary of an administrative assistant of the State begins at 1,050.48 euros, which translates into 12,605 .76 euros per year. However, taking into account all the supplements and salary variables, this base salary reaches up to 18,000 euros at the start. And, from there, it increases depending on the accumulated experience and other specific complements of the position.



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