Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge has initiated the procedure to design the Electricity Planning with a horizon 2025-2030 with the publication of the ministerial order in the Official State Gazette (BOE) this Saturday, which summons the interests ados to present their proposals to Red Eléctrica.

This new Planning will be key to addressing the ecological transition process and meeting the climate and energy objectives set for 2030. In accordance with the provisions of the More Energy Security Plan (Plan +SE), Miteco is taking the necessary steps to that the electrical system is “more flexible and anticipates and adapts to the new needs of the ecological transition process and the progressive electrification of the economy.”

Recently, it has launched the main modification of the current Planning with a horizon of 2026 – with the focus on the execution of strategic projects – and now advances the start of the next Planning cycle.

This new Planning cycle will take into consideration the scenario foreseen in the update of the National Energy and Climate Plan 2023-2030 (PNIEC), which increases the penetration of renewables to 81% of generation, proposes 19 GW of installation is self-consumption, 11 GW of electrolyzers to produce green hydrogen and 22 GW of storage, among other objectives.

“The greater electrification of the economy will require meeting new demands, such as those for the fleet of electric vehicles or those linked to the decarbonization of industrial, railway and port activities. Likewise, it must respond to the needs of new interconnections, territorial cohesion, demographic challenge and the just transition”, added Miteco.

As in previous planning, the aim will be to minimize the environmental impact, optimize the investments already made and maximize the usefulness of the current electrical corridors, prioritizing existing networks over new routes and infrastructure.

Awarding aid in just transition zones

The Ministry, through the Institute for the Just Transition (ITJ), published this Saturday the proposals for provisional resolution of aid for business projects and for small investment projects in municipalities included in the Just Transition agreements, according to a statement collected by Europe Press.

It is expected to allocate all the funds for the two lines, endowed with 50 million euros, and which will benefit 167 projects that will channel a total investment of 237 million and create some 1,200 jobs. Aid for business projects, called for by a total budget of 40 million, will support 40 projects linked to a mobilization of 209 million in investment and a commitment to create more than 900 jobs.

In addition, the ITJ will publish before December 31 the calls for aid to finance business projects and small investment projects that generate employment that promote the alternative development of the mining areas of Asturias, Castilla y León, Aragón and Puertollano, with a provision of 28 million national funds.



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