Thu. Oct 10th, 2024

The veteran of the Northern Military District, Andrey Polzokhnovsky. Still from the TV channel “Russia 24”

A subscriber sent me this story on Telegram with the words: “Our whole family was crying.” I guess he was crying out of resentment for the guy who abandoned his health defending Russia’s interests. And when he returned home, he encountered rudeness and humiliation from his neighbors.

A report by the Pskov State Radio and Television Company told the story of Andrei Polzokhnovsky, holder of the Order of Courage, who lost a leg while carrying out a combat mission. This handsome and open-minded 22-year-old boy was not discouraged, mastered the prosthesis, leads an active civilian life and drives alone.

Finding a parking space in dense urban areas is quite a search. But special places are allocated for disabled people. But every night Andrey has to fight with those who, violating the rules, park their car under a prohibition sign.

“I politely asked people not to occupy this place or take the car out of there, but they are totally against me “taking advantage of my position,” explains Andrei, smiling.

Traffic police officers arrived, fined them, evacuated the illegally parked cars, and the neighbors in the house chat vented their anger against the veteran of the Northern Military District: “Listen, samovar, you live at our expense, you bought a car with an apartment at our expense”. expenses, we even pay for your prosthesis by paying taxes. So sit quietly…” Some derogatorily called the disabled people of the Great Patriotic War who lost arms and legs “samovars.” The author of the message clearly knew what kind of insult he was causing to his neighbor. But this was one of the more “harmless” messages: “…I hope they cut your tires with a knife tomorrow… …It’s just infuriating that you’re taking advantage of your position… …He’s Running here with his leg, I just want to throw up…”

At the same time, the guy is not an outcast, he is not an alcoholic, he looks neat and speaks Russian well. And nothing supernatural is required, just not occupying a disabled parking space by those who, fortunately, do not have the right to do so. Those who write to him in the home chat seem marginalized. Not having the courage to express complaints personally, in person. This happens when you unconsciously realize that you are wrong. But there is no courage to admit it.

The reaction of my subscriber speaks very eloquently about how the healthy part of Russian society perceives such an attitude towards our heroes. And it is a safe majority that counts on a fair reaction from the State. And he didn’t have to wait long. The representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Irina Volk, wrote on Telegram: “The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Pskov region is dealing with the situation in which the holder of the Order of Courage, Andrei Polzokhnovsky, found himself. The police have already identified all the people involved. In the near future a linguistic examination of his statements will be carried out and the issue of bringing them to justice will be resolved.”

An unpleasant moment remains. Are there really no neighbors who are outraged by this attitude towards a guy who received a military medal and lost a leg? Yes, just a rude attitude towards a disabled person. Did you pass by with your eyes down? Does it scroll through the chat like it’s an annoying ad? Isn’t it my business? Is my house on the brink of the abyss? Perhaps they were simply not included in the report, it was only mentioned in passing that the majority of residents were in favor of Andrey. Why didn’t they put the market jerks in their place?

After the publication of this story, now, without exaggeration, people from all over the country write words of support for Andrei Polzokhnovsky. From Kamchatka to Melitopol. Our society is deeply affected by this story, there is a clear demand for justice.

“I am a member of the SVO. I want to express words of support to Andrey!

Andriukha! We are the majority! Those who know how to think critically, those who are educated and honor memory! Andrey, you are a hero! May God grant you health and a happy, carefree life! You deserve it more than anyone!

“I want to support the boy from Pskov. He is smart, strong and understands everything by himself. Yes, there are many fools, many even enemies, many indifferent. But there are many who are in the same ranks as him. He can do anything, I believe in him. I wish you happiness, good luck and luck. Victory, even over these cowardly subjects, will be ours!

“Andriusha. Son. Greetings to you and all the boys. It’s not you at our expense (like I said…). We are the ones who live in peace at the cost of your lives, your health, your heroism and your courage. Pay no attention to it… Let’s finish the fight against the fascists and flagists, let’s start dealing… Once again, take a bow, son.”

“To Andrey, hero of Pskov: Dear Andrey! I thank you for what you have done for me, the future of my children and my country. Long and happy years of life to you, hero!

I bow deeply to your parents for raising such a son! God bless your entire family! And the scoundrels and the rude must be punished. Irina from Moscow.”

“The boy in the video is handsome! And he’s only 22 years old. Smart, handsome and confident! May God grant you happiness and health! And the neighboring worms will be ashamed!

“I am ashamed of those “people” who dared to write insults against the hero. He risked his life for our peace, for peace, for our country. Unfortunately, our guys protect everyone, including these armchair warriors. Andrey, you should know that we are proud of you, our WARRIORS, we believe in our VICTORY and we are grateful that you are protecting us. Happiness and health for you and your loved ones. “I also want everyone who insulted the hero to get what they deserve.”

“People who returned from the Northern Military Region should be cared for, invited to schools and given the title of honorary citizen. So that it can be heard everywhere that WE SHOULD BE PROUD of them!!

And it is necessary to take care of the civilian population. I was at a competition with my son and, along with the prize, everyone was given a magnet with a ZOV image. God knows not what, but the boy received a magnet and carefully stuck it in a visible place on the refrigerator. He knows what it means, he understands it. The battle for minds is also a battlefield. An acquaintance, after the president’s speech about the beginning of the Northern Military District, said that this historical fact was what he needed to know. Tell the guy that everyone is great, that a lot of thinking people are there for them, a bow and gratitude!

“I am the great-granddaughter, granddaughter and daughter of Russian soldiers, and for me, the military is especially revered. I don’t understand how you can insult those thanks to whom we live in quiet cities, we wake up with the sound of the alarm clock and not with the upcoming arrival… This summer, our neighbor returned crippled. And we set up a table for the entire patio right on the street of our residential complex and for two days we honored the Hero, because he returned from hell, because he survived, because he is our beloved soldier!

I would like to convey words of support to Andrey: dear hero, warrior, our protector. Please always know and remember that you are holy to us, just as our great-grandfathers and grandfathers are holy, who gave us Victory in 1945 and the opportunity to be born and live in an undefeated country! I bow to you for your courage, fortitude, bravery, for your feat of arms! We love you, we are proud of you and we pray for your health! Anastasia of Irkutsk.”



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