Sun. Oct 13th, 2024

It was not possible to settle last year’s debts. The Ministry of Housing, Communal Services and Energy of the Novosibirsk Region, responding to RG’s request, emphasizes: in 2023, the redevelopment operator was instructed to ensure, as a priority, major repairs in those houses that did not receive them in 2022. . In the plan for 2023 there are 542 of those “from last year”, of which only 247 have been completed, that is, less than half. Presumably, the remainder of 2022 and 2023 will be moved to 2024. As a result, the volume of work increases, but those living with roof leaks are still not happy.

“Suppose they are going to clear the snow from the road,” compares Sergei Averyaskin, director of the regional center “ZhKHKH-Control”. – And instead of spreading the snow, you rake it until it forms a huge lump in front of you. As a result, it simply does not allow you to move forward.

The authorities explained the failure of the reform program in 2022 by the constant increase in prices of construction materials. In 2023, obviously, not much has changed. The Ministry of Housing and Public Services explained the delay in the schedule by “a significant amount of work, a shortage of funds in the accounts of the regional operator, as well as the refusal of contractors to participate in electronic auctions.” An important volume, we have already said. And if we add balances year after year, the volume will become increasingly significant.

What do you mean by shortage of funds? Perhaps capital repairs are being delayed by malicious defaulters? No, Novosibirsk residents regularly pay for major repairs: the contribution collection rate is 94-95 percent, the Foundation’s specialists do an excellent job of raising funds.

Maybe the tariff is too low? In 2023, the minimum contribution for major repairs in the region will be 12.5 rubles per square meter (in Moscow, double). Economically justified, according to experts, the minimum would be 36 rubles per square meter, but no one will increase payments in this way; After all, there is a real danger that in this case the population will stop paying and, instead of important reparations, endless lawsuits will begin to collect debts for contributions. By the way, experts point out that if you regularly fail the program, people may also stop paying, which is logical: what’s the point if the system doesn’t work?

There is also budget co-financing in the region: this year the Fund received half a billion rubles from the regional treasury. And with total annual costs expected at four billion, this is a fairly significant amount.

And one more note about money. According to Sergei Averyaskin, the remaining balance in the Fund’s account exceeded one billion rubles. And this is an indicator of the ineffective functioning of the structure. Let’s say the contractor missed the deadline for major repairs: he started this year, didn’t arrive in time for winter, and will continue next year. The money remained in the fund. This is where this remnant comes from, and there is nothing to rejoice about here.

The director of ZHKH-Control is convinced that the capital repair program in the Novosibirsk region is not due to the general economic situation, but largely due to organizational miscalculations. Contractors refuse to participate in large renovation auctions not because there is a large selection of more generous bids. But because, for example, the lots were not prepared professionally from the builders’ point of view.

Thus, a lot contains ten houses on the right bank of the Ob and ten on the left. What is this, moving brigades incessantly? Or let’s say that in one lot there are only “tasty” facade works (this is where everyone will be in charge), and in the other – internal, replacement of heating or sewage systems, in which there are great risks of not meeting the deadlines . (if only because you need to get into all apartments, but this is not always possible).

That is, the lot must contain objects with all types of work, this is fair. And it is necessary to train them so that the houses are close: the organization enters the block and works calmly.

Contractors often complain about the quality of projects: they turn out to be far from reality and it is not easy to check the condition of objects on site before the auction; No one will allow strangers to inspect the house. As a result, decent companies reject such risks and you know who comes to take their place. Hence the problems with quality and time.


Tired of waiting, residents of collapsing houses write complaints to the authorities. Thus, in 2021-2022, the relocation operator’s plans included repairing the facade of the famous hundred-apartment building in the center of Novosibirsk. This is a monument of cultural heritage of federal significance. The neighbors did not see the repairs (they were told there were no funds) and this year they contacted the prosecutor’s office. With monuments it is even more difficult: they require not only repairs, but also restoration, which, firstly, is much more expensive, and secondly, specialists are needed, of which there are very few. So far there has been no response from the prosecutor’s office, as the house manager, Alexander Sumin, told RG. And the facade continues to crumble.



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