Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

The patron saint of 2024 according to the eastern calendar is the Green Wood Dragon. As you know, the New Year in Southeast Asian countries comes later than according to the generally accepted Gregorian calendar. Therefore, it will officially begin on February 10, 2024 and will end on January 28, 2025.

In ancient Chinese myths, the dragon acts as the ancestor of humanity, a prominent national sage, and the first Chinese emperor. At the dawn of civilization in China, he was worshiped as the main totem.

Unlike the previous Year of the Rabbit, which is considered to be characterized by calm and tranquility, the Year of the Dragon brings with it a sense of unpredictability, drama, excitement and tension. Those born under the fire sign of the Dragon are believed to have similar characteristics and are known for their passionate and self-confident nature.

what not to cook

The New Year’s table in the Year of the Dragon should include rich and unusual dishes. What foods should be excluded from the Christmas diet?


First of all, you should stop cooking rabbit dishes. According to a legend, the Dragon saved the animal from trouble. These are opposite signs, so the rabbit definitely has no place on the New Year’s table, it will scare away good luck.

Photo: dan


In the Year of the Dragon, there should be delicious dishes on the table, and chicken in Eastern culture is a symbol of poverty. It should be replaced with duck or turkey.

Smoked sausages and preserves

In 2024, it will be better to give up a variety of canned and smoked sausages. There must be fresh food on the table.


Kiwi is also prohibited on the New Year’s table. It is better to give preference to citrus fruits, fresh apples, pears and pineapples.

Onion and white pepper

Onions (both green and onions) and white pepper are perceived in the East as a symbol of separation. Therefore, these products should not be placed on the New Year’s table. However, they can be sautéed along with other vegetables.

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Dumplings with cabbage, longevity noodles and 3 more dishes eaten in China for the New Year


Mushrooms are a symbol of anxiety and disappointment. According to Chinese philosophy, they bring worries and problems. Therefore, do not use this product as a Christmas snack.


They are dishes cooked over natural heat. The food is doused with alcohol (vodka, cognac, whiskey or other strong alcohol) and then set on fire. As a result, the alcohol burns and the dish acquires a unique aroma and taste. These dishes are best avoided.

Fresh and flavorless dishes.

In the year of the Dragon, there should be dishes with pepper on the table.

What to put on the table

It is better to prepare meat (except rabbit and chicken) or fish as a main dish. A whole cooked fish, with head and tail, is perfect for a festive table in the Year of the Dragon. This dish, according to Chinese tradition, symbolizes a good end to the outgoing year and a successful start to the New Year.


In addition to fish, the main dish can be pork, which symbolizes financial growth, or beef, which promises career advancement. Duck cooked for the New Year will bring peace and tranquility, and turkey will help put an end to problems in relationships.

We must not forget about spicy dishes and snacks. Garlic, ginger and hot red pepper will give it a spicy touch.

There should be fresh vegetables on the table (it can be slices or a variety of salads) and fruits. We must not forget tangerines, which symbolize prosperity, and the color of citrus fruits, due to its resemblance to gold, means wealth.


To attract good luck and prosperity in the new year, silver, gold, red and various shades of green should be used in the decoration of the New Year’s table and rooms.


As for decoration, you can use wooden toys and pendants with the image of a dragon, electric and paper garlands, as well as scarlet Chinese lanterns.

What can you cook in the Year of the Dragon? A recipe for a festive dish.

“According to the eastern calendar, the symbol of 2024 will be the Green Wood Dragon, a true gourmet who loves meat and poultry dishes. “I can safely assume that many housewives on New Year’s Eve will want to diversify the festive table with the favorite food of this mystical animal.”

The chef shared the step-by-step recipe for duck confit.


whole duck; carrots – 2 pieces; celery – 1 piece; vegetable or olive oil – about 1 liter depending on the size of the duck and the marinating container; fruits to taste: apple, pear, pineapple, orange and other citrus fruits.


Ingredients for 1 liter of marinade:

pure water – 1 l; salt – 40 g; sugar – 10 g; star anise – 2 stars; cinnamon – 1 branch; fresh thyme – 1 sprig.

Ingredients for duck sauce:

fresh frozen raspberries – 100 g; sugar to taste; cream – 50 ml.

Step 1. Select a container based on size: for marinating and cooking duck in the oven. Rinse the duck well under running water.

Step 2. Prepare the marinade: Take a clean marinade container, pour water into it, add salt, sugar, star anise, cinnamon and fresh thyme. Bring to a boil and then cool to room temperature.

Step 3. Soak the duck in the cooled marinade for a day and cover with a lid or aluminum foil.

Stage 4. After a day, remove the duck from the marinade. While the duck is drying, coarsely chop the carrots and celery and place them on the bottom of the dish in which it will be baked.

Step 5. Place the duck on top of the vegetables and pour vegetable or olive oil over it so that the bird is completely hidden.

Step 6. Preheat the oven to 140 degrees and bake the duck for 3-4 hours.

Step 7 When ready, carefully remove the dish from the oven so as not to burn yourself with the oil and let it cool slightly, then carefully remove the whole duck and place it on a perforated baking tray or in a colander to drain any excess fat.

Step 8 Prepare the sauce: puree fresh frozen raspberries in a blender, balance the taste of sourness and sweetness with sugar, add the cream and beat again until smooth. Serve the sauce in a sauce boat.

Step 9 Prepare the garnish: wash the fruits and cut them into small slices just before serving.

An alternative to fruit salad can be mashed potatoes, bulgur, quinoa or, for example, couscous.

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