Sat. Oct 19th, 2024

Vladimir Putin while participating via videoconference in the plenary session of the XXV Russian World People’s Council at the State Kremlin Palace. Photo: Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the President of the Russian Federation/TASS

The 30th World Council of the Russian People was held on Tuesday in the State Kremlin Palace. Vladimir Putin spoke at his plenary session via videoconference from Sochi.

At the beginning of the event, Patriarch Kirill appeared on the stage of the former Congress Palace. During his appearance, the priests sang a psalm. And Vladimir Vladimirovich looked at the audience from a giant screen the size of a wall.

The Russian leader recalled that the cathedral was founded in 1993. Then not only the priests of the rebuilt Russian Orthodox Church participated, but also businessmen, politicians and cultural figures. According to Putin, they were united by a “firm patriotic position.”

“Many representatives of the World Russian People’s Council are now in Donbass and Novorossiya among volunteers, in the ranks of military units,” he added.

After the first opening words, the head of the country announced a minute of silence for the dead in the new Russian territories. He went on to speak about the importance of friendship between Russian peoples, our common confrontation with the West and the country’s role in a multipolar world.

The president did not focus on long-known facts, but tried to share with the participants his vision of the Russian world and its future.

At the beginning of the event, Patriarch Kirill appeared on the stage of the former Congress Palace. Photo: Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the President of the Russian Federation/TASS

Here are some typical statements:

– We defend the security of the people, the supreme right to be Russia, a strong country-civilization.

– Today, the official ideology of Western elites is Russophobia and neo-Nazism.

– Betrayal is an attempt to divide society. We will not allow Russia to divide: we only have one.

– Our country, the Russian world, as has happened more than once in history, has blocked the path of those who today claim world dominance, their exclusivity. Now we fight for the freedom not only of Russia, but of the entire world.

The speech of the head of the country also contained more or less concrete things. For example, he promised to support the “sovereign national enterprise.” To grow the national economy, Putin proposed to develop business in our country.

It is not entirely clear what is meant by sovereign entrepreneurship. Can a company export goods or will it cease to be sovereign? Or can the plant use imported materials in its products? But in any case, Vladimir Vladimirovich promised to help companies during the sanctions.

The head of the country also called on residents to have as many children as possible.

– Many of our towns, thank God, maintain the tradition of a strong, multigenerational family, where four, five or more children are raised. Let us remember that in Russian families many of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had seven or eight children, and even more. Let us preserve and revive these wonderful traditions,” said the Russian leader.

Putin called for taking “all the best” from the Soviet, Russian and international educational systems. But so that schools and universities are open to everything advanced. Well, all this should be intertwined with religious dogmas and family values.

“The wise word of spiritual shepherds is simply necessary,” Vladimir Vladimirovich emphasized.



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