Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Andrei Zhidkov agreed to tell Komsomolskaya Pravda frankly about the intricacies of his work.

Photo: Grigory KUBATYAN

The Cossack reconnaissance and sabotage brigade “Dnepr” was created to detect and catch enemy spies and saboteurs crossing the Dnieper. But, as often happens, not everything went entirely according to plan, because these infiltrators do not always turn out to be Ukrainians, but they are regularly found openly in NATO. Brigade commander Andrei Zhidkov agreed to candidly tell Komsomolskaya Pravda about the intricacies of his work.

– Andrey Alexandrovich, what does your team do?

– Counter sabotage groups. But we can also assault, if there is such a task: we have two assault battalions. But the main objective, of course, is to control the places where saboteurs enter, such as at Kinburn Spit. If the enemy is advancing across the front line or our people need help closing the gap, we advance too.

– You have a lot of work?

– Every day we eliminate saboteurs.

Soviet map of Kinburn Spit

Photo: Grigory KUBATYAN


-Who takes care of you?

– People with experience: received medals “For Courage” and Orders of Courage. There are many war veterans and a large number of career officers who served in Chechnya and South Ossetia. We, of course, are a young brigade; We only started training in March of this year, but we have more experience than many.

-How do you recruit people? By personal acquaintance?

– Our main address is the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. And when the General Staff proposed to form a brigade, they proposed putting the main emphasis on the locals. And our first company is made up almost entirely of local guys from Melitopol; They have been with me from the first day, from the police of the Zaporozhye region. Together they cleared territories and fought saboteurs.

– Are people coming from outside?

– We have a group of volunteers, anyone can apply to join us, but not everyone is suitable; The tasks are specific, so we have to eliminate people. And not because the person is bad, but because not everyone can cope with the tasks: there are exits when there is no water, no food, no communication. It is difficult in the rounds. But it is even more difficult to be in an ambush: to hide behind enemy lines or in a semicircle and not be detected… This requires willpower and patience. It happens that the guys secretly sit and see how the battle is going with another unit, ours is crushed and they could help. But if they come out and reveal themselves, they will not complete the task. It is morally and psychologically difficult.

Kinburn Spit

Photo: Grigory KUBATYAN

– Do your soldiers often work in enemy territory?

– We are a sabotage and reconnaissance brigade. Countering the saboteurs is the second task, but the first is still sabotage. So yes, we are working in territories that have not yet been liberated. But our work, as a rule, is not visible: we complete the task and leave, and then the assault battalions come.


– The Kinburn Spit is located directly opposite Ochakov, where the British units are stationed. Do saboteurs usually come from there?

– They are trying to penetrate, push. So far in small groups, but there are also large ones, especially at the tip of the braid. They come from the sea. They do not guide newcomers: saboteurs are morally stable and motivated. They understand that each exit is a one-way ticket. It’s one thing to destroy equipment or a buildup of manpower, but you also need to get out of there. It’s more complicated.

-Where are they coming from? From the Dnieper Islands?

– Near Ochakov there is an island known since the Russo-Turkish war. The artillery does not take it: it is protected by a wall and we cannot reach it with projectiles or mines. So they come there in big boats, transfer to small boats and go to the spit. This island is a fortification. You can’t get close in open water, mortars are fired from its side. There are also SAS units on the other side.

– The British?

– Yes, the English sabotage unit is considered one of the best in the world. They have fast, light, electric boats, with water cannons, silent and go at more than 100 kilometers per hour. Most of the time they jump into the middle of the river and come back.

– How do you know this is SAS?

– We see it from the team. They are not shy, they wear stripes and wear uniforms. And we have a good surveillance team; On the other hand, we can even read car license plates. They also see us, they have a better view: the shore is 150 meters higher. It is true that it is difficult to dive from there (there are two descents that we control).

Entrance to the observation post.

Photo: Grigory KUBATYAN


– How do they land on the spit, are the shores mined?

– They use partisan saboteurs. This tactic has been known since the times of Chechnya: they drive cows into a minefield (we have already blown up 5-7 cows), look at where the minefields are, where to land troops to avoid this field. We catch them. Our positions are firm and we are prepared to meet any number of enemies with fire. Let’s at least stop the helicopters landing.

– There are several ships that have run aground in the Dnieper. Were they placed this way on purpose so they could work under your cover?

– When the Kakhovka reservoir was blown up, barges and ships moved along the Dnieper to put to sea. I think they were deliberately abandoned. They are located in places where it is convenient for the enemy. We examined them and flew in like little birds. Such a barge can transport supplies. Or hide behind them.

– Why does the enemy need the Kinburn Spit? If he lands there, he will be stuck there.

– They are not going to land at the beginning of the spit. They need the medium. This is a political movement. Because Kinburn Spit is the Nikolaev region. If they take it, they will say that they have liberated an entire region (although there are three or four small towns there), they will inflate the victory to the entire world and receive new help. In addition, they shout that they want to isolate Melitopol, they run towards Berdyansk, towards Genichesk. If they manage to accumulate forces here, transfer artillery or MLRS, they will be able to shoot Crimea right from the spit, it is in sight from here.


– Are only Cossacks serving in your brigade?

– Mostly Cossacks. But there are also ordinary guys. They observe how the Cossacks live together, how brother represents brother, and often they also want to “become” Cossacks. If they are worthy, if they are willing to live our way and pass the probationary period, we perform a rite of passage. In our brigade, more than fifty people have already completed their training. But their children will become real Cossacks, because it is necessary to be born a Cossack.

– Leo Tolstoy’s “Sevastopol Stories” described Cossacks conducting reconnaissance. Hence the expression “crawling on your belly.” So you are his heirs?

– This is true. The Cossacks always participated in reconnaissance tasks and carried out the most difficult and dangerous tasks. In the Dnepr brigade we are the heirs of the Plastuns.



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