Tue. Sep 24th, 2024

The number of workers affected by an Employment Regulation File (ERE) doubles compared to last year and reaches 2,180 employees. In 2022 the number of victims was 1,124 people. In general terms, the total number of laid-off workers is 8.3%, although both the number of procedures and the number of companies has been reduced by around 15% compared to the previous year.

With these figures, this year’s ERE are below the average of the last ten years, although the data already warn of a certain rebound in the case of affected workers and the experts consulted by EFE point to a “trend towards rise”. Telefónica’s ERE contributes to this trend, after learning today that it will affect a maximum of 5,124 workers, a figure close to that of the company’s last Employment Regulation File, which in 2011 dismissed more than 6,000 employees.

According to data from the Ministry of Labor, until September, 285 collective dismissal procedures, contract suspension and reduction of working hours have taken place that have affected 258 companies and 15,089 workers, with contract suspension being the most common assumption, somewhat that has It affects 12,551 workers.

In comparison, the Labor data at the end of 2019 showed much larger figures than those of recent years: 3,220 procedures that will affect 2,169 companies and 88,927 workers, especially due to contract suspension (55,285) and collective dismissal (30,871).

Growth from July

“Observing the evolution of recent months, there is an upward trend in the volume of open procedures regarding collective dismissal (ERE) and in the number of workers affected,” the partner of Garrigues’ Labor Department points out in statements to EFE. . Braulio Molina.

“There is an upward trend in the volume of open procedures regarding collective dismissal (ERE) and in the number of workers affected”

2022 IA)”. Garrigues’ lawyer also points out the political and economic “uncertainty” and the distrust that these produce in investors as the reasons behind the observed rebound.

Furthermore, it indicates that “the recent published rules that impact the formal processing of the same (ERE), as well as the normative and regulatory provisions that are being announced and that will make their substantiation and application in the future difficult and/or more expensive for said companies. “They will also affect the increase.

The majority of EREs have less than 100 employees

Ford’s ERE, which mainly affects its Almussafes (Valencia) plant, involves the elimination of 1,144 jobs, being the other collective procedure that affects more than one million employees.

However, termination files for contracts of this size have not, so far, been the norm this year. A good part of the ERE do not exceed the centenary of people and, in many cases, they are combined with early retirement plans or incentivized exits to try to reduce the impact and facilitate agreement with the unions.

In mid-November, the Holaluz company announced an ERE to lay off around 200 people, 27% of its workforce, and other recent cases above the centenary of people are Bayer (112) and Sabic (105), and In the second two cases, the agreement reached with the unions provides that most of the departures will be voluntary.

Searching for “Less Traumaptic” Options is in line with Michelin’s approach to eliminate 176 workers in its plants and Lasarte, which make the aforementioned adjustment through formulas such as incentivized voluntary redundancies or retirements.

Another formula used – very well known as a result of the pandemic – is that of Temporary Employment Regulation Files (ERTE), that is, a temporary suspension of the contract or the reduction of the working day of some or all employees in the event of a fall. of the company’s activity. Thus, the company saves on paying part or all of the workers’ salaries, who receive unemployment benefits until the activity resumes. In this sense, the ERTE announced by Bridgestone in its four plants since December stands out, which will affect around 2,700 workers.



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