Mon. Sep 23rd, 2024

Now the artist will be cared for by a nurse.

Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

Actress Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, 85, was evicted from her own apartment; This news spread on social networks after her daughter Olga announced it in an interview. The woman apparently moved from a four-room apartment in the center of Moscow, where she lived for many years, to a two-room apartment in New Moscow. The daughter of a famous artist clarified that it was a common family decision. A nurse will take care of Lydia Nikolaevna in her new place.

“This is to be expected,” Bari Alibasov Jr., who not long ago was the official relative of the Shukshins, responded to the family’s decision in a conversation with KP.RU (until 2021, producer Bari Alibasov was the official husband of Fedoseeva-Shukshina – Ed.). – What else should they have done with her? How else could they have done it with her? We had been waiting for an apartment for a long time and voila, they sent us a nurse. That’s what we assume. I’m happy this has nothing to do with us anymore. They can do whatever they want with this apartment: rent it, live in it themselves, sell it.

Alibasov Jr. also noted that Lidia Nikolaevna owns about three apartments in total. He named her daughter Olga as the main instigator of the Fedoseeva-Shukshina movement.

“He did all this to take over Lydia Nikolaevna’s apartment and, when her father was around, he wanted to take over her apartment as well. I really didn’t want to get involved in all the ups and downs that were happening in the Shukshin family, so I’m glad I was able to get my father out of there in time. At the same time, he still communicates with Lydia Nikolaevna, which is great,” noted the producer’s son.

Olga herself, after the publication of the program, which talked about the move, added that her mother’s “eviction” was temporary. She explained it by saying that Lydia Nikolaevna needed care and that Olga would soon have surgery, so she needed time to recover.


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