Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

When he and other special forces of the brigade stationed in Novosibirsk were sent to the Northern Military District, the wives of the soldiers did everything so that their husbands at the front did not need anything. They collected and sent food, clothing, uniforms designed for different weather conditions, and medicines to the trenches. The wives learned about the needs from the soldiers themselves and the father of one of the soldiers took the packages to the front.

The requests came unexpectedly and had to be responded to quickly. Here is just one example. In August 2022, a special forces detachment was attacked from Ukraine using Hymers, American-made artillery mounts. There were both deaths and injuries. The bombing destroyed equipment, uniforms and even socks. The partial mobilization had not yet been announced and specialty stores were already running out of products; Novosibirsk sewing workshops were full of orders. We had to look for what we needed in other regions. For example, in Mozdok (Republic of North Ossetia) warm military jackets, combat shirts and sweatshirts had to be ordered. Help, Natalya says, was collected from all over the world: businessmen, veterans’ organizations, volunteers and simply caring people responded.

In September 2022, a reconnaissance group under the command of Guard Captain Eduard Kevish advanced in Tiger armored vehicles to the reconnaissance zone. The soldiers were ambushed by an enemy sabotage group. Despite the unexpected blow, Eduard Kevish skillfully organized the repulsion of the attack. The enemy, having suffered losses, retreated and disappeared into the forest.

Reconnaissance observers reported to the commander about the discovery of anti-tank mines on the next route. While clearing the mines, the group came under mortar attack. Eduard Kevish, risking his life, deactivated three mines under fire and removed them from the road to facilitate the passage of cars. A couple of seconds later, one of the mines detonated from a falling fragment of a mortar shell. The brave commander died. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia; During the Northern Military District he repeatedly showed courage, saving the lives of his comrades and civilians in Donbass.

-Edward was a very kind person. He had good relationships with everyone in the brigade. He wanted him to remain in service and continue helping the boys in their difficult military work, so I decided to officially register the foundation. They named it: “Pilot’s Call Sign.” This is exactly the call sign my husband had. You know, the song goes: “An officer’s wife must have no confusion, no note of despair.” “. And working in the background distracted me from despondency and sadness, recalls Natalya Kevish.

Today, collecting humanitarian aid is one of the foundation’s main areas of work. The next batch is planned to be shipped before the New Year. Expensive high-tech equipment, such as drones, is now needed. With the help of drones they carry out reconnaissance and deliver means of destruction: the more, the better.

In addition, women managed to obtain collimator sights, helmet-mounted cameras, machine gun silencers, thermal insulating blankets, anti-drone cannons and ground satellite stations whose signal is not intercepted or intercepted by the enemy for our special forces. electronic warfare systems and much more.

– During bombing and shelling, a lot is destroyed. There, at the front, every day you don’t know what to expect. One time our team was crossing the river and some of the equipment sank. Equipment quickly becomes obsolete and household items disappear. That is why both we and our agents appreciate any help,” says Natalia.

The foundation’s volunteers are preparing the next shipment of cargo. Photo: Natalia Kevish

One of the objectives of the foundation is to perpetuate the memory of the SVO soldiers. To this end, a monument will be erected at the Shilovo training ground, next to the parade ground. Ground is already being prepared for this and, in parallel, architectural forms are being produced that together form an entire memorial complex with beautiful lighting. The names of the victims will be engraved in one of the parts of the monument. The complex will also be decorated with busts of soldiers of the 24th Brigade who were awarded the title of Heroes of Russia.

According to Natalia Kevish, the complex will also play an important role in the patriotic education of young people. Youth Army events are often held at the training ground. On the parade ground, with the order “Drive to the right”, the gaze of the Young Army soldiers will be directed towards the monument. Work in the patriotic direction will expand next year: the foundation, together with the Women’s Assembly of the Novosibirsk Region, plans to hold the “Alley of Heroes” exhibition in the regions, at which portraits of participants in the Northern Military District and in the Great Patriotic War.



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