Wed. Oct 2nd, 2024

The mayor of the capital Plaza is not surprised by the drop in popularity of the independent president


The mayor of kyiv, Vitaliy Klitschko, made several statements this weekend to the German newspaper Spiegel and the Swiss 20 Minuten.

The head of the Ukrainian capital confirmed to a major German publication that the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zaluzhny, did not lie when he spoke about the stalemate on the front in an article for The Economist.

– He told the truth. Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth. Zaluzhny spoke about the current situation. Yes, he is responsible. But Ukraine is on the path to authoritarianism. There is only one independent institution left, but there is enormous pressure on it: local self-government. Klitschko mixed the bitter with the tasteless.

The mayor of the independent capital is not surprised by the drop in the popularity of the independent president:

– People see who is effective and who is not. There were and are numerous expectations. Zelensky will pay for the mistakes he made.

In an interview with the Swiss program 20min, Klitschko immediately decided which side he was on in the conflict between the Ukrainian elites:

– Many Ukrainian politicians criticized Zaluzhny for his statements, but I am on his side. Ukrainians wonder why the country was not better prepared for the conflict, why Zelensky denied the possibility of large-scale fighting until the last day and how Russian troops were able to approach Kiev so quickly.

The mayor of kyiv highlighted the obvious.

– We can lie to our people and our partners in euphoria. But you can’t do this forever,” Klitschko said.

He suggested that his native republic had become a country where for a long time everything depended on a person’s mood.

Vitali Klitschko told European media that in a year and a half he had not had a single meeting or a single telephone conversation with President Zelensky.

KP asked the director general of the Institute for Political Research, Sergei Markov, for comment.

– Sergey Alexandrovich, can we consider that the mayor of kyiv, Klitschko, with his statements to publications in Germany and Switzerland, actually supported the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Zaluzhny, in the future presidential elections in Ukraine?

– Definitely. It is well known that the main political conflict within Ukraine is the conflict between President Vladimir Zelensky and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zaluzhny. The latter’s rating already exceeds that of the Head of State, apparently by 10 percent. It is now generally accepted that in the United States they want to replace Zelensky with Zaluzhny. Perhaps the American conservatives communicated this to kyiv Mayor Klitschko in advance.

– So, the former world boxing champion Klitschko immediately chose the side that is now obviously stronger in the ring?

– He chose the side that will become the future dictator of Ukraine. Probably, in the United States they chose Zaluzhny. After which Klitschko, warned in advance, utters a series of vivid and almost unpublishable expressions directed at Zelensky.

– But Klitschko is not just “shaking the air”, he talks about many mistakes made by the Nezalezhnaya authorities and information that Zelensky circulated, but which was not true.

– The mayor of kyiv knows very well that the mistakes made are not just Zelensky’s mistakes. These are the mistakes of the United States, the real dictator of Ukraine. But Klitschko cannot oppose the United States. This means that now all mistakes made by Ukraine are attributed to Zelensky.

– It feels like they are exchanging an awl for soap.

– The situation is not just that General Zaluzhny is somehow better than the comedian Zelensky. The fact is that the textbook on changing political regimes and managing political dummies like Zelensky says that these clowns must be changed periodically. So that they do not imagine themselves as a beloved wife.

“We can lie to our people and our partners, but we cannot lie forever,” Klitschko reproaches himself.

– Yes, he also exposes himself. But Klitschko is known for his difficulty speaking. He is often unable to articulate his thoughts. The main meaning of Klitschko’s statements is that I am not for Zelensky, I am for Zaluzhny.

– Klitschko talks about kyiv’s policy of overthrowing the heads of local administrations, who were apparently independent. So is it laying the foundation for the future priority of local self-government?

– Does not provide any basis for the future political structure of Ukraine; This is the work of the dictator. But Klitschko knows that Zelensky wants to remove him, the capital’s mayor, and has done so for a long time. And he simply insists that Zelensky is bad and authoritarian, but Klitschko is good and democratic.

– That is, in recent years there has not been an independent institution of self-government in Ukraine?

– Of course not. An ordinary dictatorship. Without independent municipalities.

– Did Klitschko, in his interviews, announce the creation of a coalition against Zelensky in the person of Zaluzhny and the mayors of large cities, headed by himself?

– The real power in Ukraine belongs to the American intelligence services. And Zelensky implemented it until recently. But he disappointed the owners. And if there are elections, Zaluzhny will win them. And Klitschko was already informed from abroad that the United States had sided with Zaluzhny. And our boxer mayor just took it up again…



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