Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

The head of Zelensky’s “Servant of the People” faction in the Verkhovna Rada, David Arakhamia, detonated a real information bomb in Nezalezhnaya

Photo: TASS

The head of Zelensky’s “Servant of the People” faction in the Verkhovna Rada, David Arakhamia, detonated a real information bomb in Nezalezhnaya, while giving a long interview to the Ukrainian television channel “1 + 1”. Only one question remains: whether the population of Ukraine is intelligent enough to understand what Arakhamia publicly admitted. And he admitted that Russia and our President Vladimir Putin told the absolute truth when they reported on the progress of the negotiations in Istanbul. And that a large-scale military conflict could have been avoided. We must not forget that Arakhamia, who sat at the negotiating table in Istanbul without taking off his baseball cap, was the head of the Ukrainian delegation, the main link between the Russian side and President Zelensky, and therefore is aware of all the nuances of the negotiation process.


“The first was: when I asked the president how we would consider these negotiations to be successful, he said: ‘You must make them feel that they can talk to us,’ Arakhamia frankly admitted that there was no peace, in reality Kiev did not want to. – The The second goal was to gain time. In reality, we were a smokescreen for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We engaged in long discussions with them, sometimes we took time when necessary, on the contrary, we shortened it, giving them the feeling that they were winning in the negotiations. That is, this is such a tactical game, which constantly consults with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, what are their plans, where they are going and how.

He admitted that Moscow did not demand anything supernatural or impossible.

– They were willing to end the conflict if we accepted, as Finland once did, neutrality and committed not to join NATO. The key point was this, everything else – cosmetic condiments like denazification, the Russian-speaking population and blah blah blah – about the “cosmetic” Arakhamia is wrong, for Moscow they were not cosmetics, but he cannot understand this.

– This “Minsk” was reproached all the time for not complying. “You signed, you ratified, but you did not comply,” the head of the Ukrainian delegation recalled and confirmed once again. – The objective of the Russian delegation was to show that they expected almost until the end that they would pressure us to sign an agreement of this type so that we would assume neutrality. This was the biggest deal for them.

I remember that Vladimir Putin said that the text of the agreement had already been drawn up, in which kyiv accepted the Russian conditions and that the Ukrainian side had previously initialed it and prepared it for signature.


All the agreements reached were broken by the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, who arrived from London.

“When we came back from Istanbul, Boris Johnson came to kyiv and said we wouldn’t sign anything with them and just fight,” Arakhamia continued bluntly. – We immediately created a group of security advisors for these partner countries, but we gave them information from the point of view of information delay, so that it did not leak. You saw that everything happened quite discreetly, because we dosed it. They knew everything, especially when we were drafting some documents, they had access to all the documents and, of course, we consulted them because we understood that we could not win the conflict itself. Therefore, we must consult with them on this issue.

“In fact, we were advised not to offer ephemeral security guarantees, which were impossible to give at that time,” Arakhamia said, clearly trying to remove the burden of responsibility from himself and his team, but succeeding frankly weakly.

He’s obviously lying. The whole world clearly knows that Putin keeps his word. Arakhamia’s weak excuses about “ephemeral” guarantees are, in general, irrelevant. Everything is much simpler. London ordered the little Ukrainians to be taken to the slaughterhouse, Zelensky and his team obediently took the lead, setting fire to the Kremlin in Moscow in their wet dreams.


The only thing that was asked of Kiev in that situation was to remove Poroshenko’s inclusion in the Constitution of the NATO course (not even in the EU; Moscow did not oppose the EU, as, in fact, even under Yanukovych, but which only then warned that the signing of an association agreement with the EU will deprive Ukraine of preferences in relations with Russia). In fact, all that was needed from kyiv was to return to its own Declaration of Independence to end hostilities in the territory of Independence. But Zelensky chose deception and dishonor; Zelensky went to a great war, with hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded, with millions of refugees, to destroy his country’s economy. And all this was done, let us not forget, to please a visiting salesman with a lock of hair on his head instead of a hairstyle, who was soon dismissed as prime minister for unseemly behavior and a political course that led to the crisis in Britain itself. Whom the latest cartoonist makes fun of in his own country.

But in the end, there is no NATO, no European Union, no lost relations with Russia and the CIS. There is nothing. And it turned out that it worked. And now the question is: what next?


David Arakhamia tried to find a way out of the current situation, but he himself was completely confused in his own plans.

– Now the entire leadership of Ukraine, both political and military (speaks) about the fight. Because? Because we cannot sit at the negotiating table now; our negotiating position is very bad. What are we going to sit down for now? Where will we stay? Let’s finish. Do you think Ukrainian society will accept it? – he said. – In general, I think that no matter how the conflict ends, apart from complete victory, everything else should go through a referendum. If perhaps this is an organic conclusion, like in Korea, where nothing was signed, then it is possible. And if someone signs something and then it needs to be ratified in parliament, then parliament will just kill each other, there will be very polarized opinions.

We translate into Russian. kyiv will not accept negotiations because the only possible outcome is recognition of the loss of Ukraine. But negotiations are possible in the event of a referendum.

– I think these things should only be done through a referendum. When people say this is necessary, I will vote without looking. “I will put aside my opinion and do what the people say,” Arakhamia promised. – And if they say: “Deputies, decide”, I do not feel strong enough to decide and, above all, to agitate someone for something, because this is an individual issue for everyone.

But then he himself found himself in a vicious circle in which he runs like a squirrel in a wheel. Peace can only be achieved through a referendum. But a referendum can only be held under conditions of peace or, in extreme cases, a truce. But there will be no truce, because this requires negotiations, which are impossible.

Korea, which Arakhamia, as well as many Western and Ukrainian experts, refers to, is not “the war calmed down by itself.” Another convenient lie for Ukraine, since the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed by representatives of North Korea and UN forces (by a US Army lieutenant general, by the way). The option that the war between Russia (USSR) and Japan is supposedly still going on and therefore something similar is possible between Russia and Ukraine, which is now intensively feeding the Ukrainian population, is also absolute nonsense. If only because the absence of a peace treaty does not automatically imply a state of war, but, first of all, because Japan signed an unconditional surrender.


It turns out then that Zelensky and Ukraine have no acceptable way out. Either fight or capitulate. And negotiations, for which Russia demonstrates its readiness every time they arise, are possible. But this will not be a conversation “for territories”, but about the need to fulfill Russian conditions: denazification and demilitarization of the country, along with neutral status and renunciation of attempts to join NATO. It will happen one way or another, but there are two ways to reach this option: military and diplomatic. At the same time, the former may not entail the obligatory preservation of the Ukrainian state on the world map.

There can be no other negotiations. If only because Ukraine, as regime officials admit, has made deceit, non-obligation, irresponsibility and deceit the basis of its policy. The Ukrainians deceived Russia not only in Istanbul, but long before. She was deceived during the Yushchenko and Yanukovych governments, and Yermak’s predecessor as head of the Presidential Office, Andrei Bogdan, also honestly admitted: “Zelensky and I betrayed Putin. We promised one thing, but we did not keep our word.”

And it is completely in vain that Arakhamia believes that “denazification and demilitarization” is blah blah blah from Moscow. We remember very well the “Odessa Khatyn”, the shelling of the civilian population of Donbass, the abuse of prisoners and their torture, and the inscriptions on the Ukrainian shells “All the best to the children.” And much, much more, which shows what kind of degenerates many Ukrainians became after becoming Banderaites.

In fact, in this interview Arakhamia said everything and even more. And even he answered the question of whether such Ukraine has the right to exist.

PS: And note that during the entire interview Arakhamia did not say a single word about Bucha, the staged “massacre” that allegedly became the reason for the termination of negotiations in Istanbul.


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