Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

Our soldiers eliminated 680 mercenaries of the kyiv regime in one day

Photo: TASS

The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov reported at the latest briefing the latest data on the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the last day: in the Kupyansky direction the Armed Forces lost 110 servicemen, in Krasnolimansky up to 55, in Donetsk up to 290, in Yuzhno-Donetsk up to 150, in Zaporozhye more than 40, in Kherson up to 35.

In addition to 680 mercenaries of the Kiev regime, our soldiers eliminated the Bukovel-AD electronic warfare station, two tanks, dozens of armored vehicles, howitzers and guns of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Army aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles and missile forces destroyed two aviation weapons warehouses at military airfields in the Dolgintsevo area of ​​the Dnepropetrovsk region within 24 hours. Also in Volnyansk, Zaporozhye region and Pavlovka, Dnepropetrovsk region, two P-18 radar stations for detecting and tracking air targets were burned, and in Serebryanka, Donetsk People’s Republic, two command and observation posts of units of the 67th Ukrainian Mechanized Brigade. The Armed Forces and the 100th Territorial Defense Brigade were burned. During this time, the artillery of our troops destroyed manpower and war material in 115 regions.

Lieutenant General Konashenkov highlighted the combat work of the air defense units, which shot down two MiG-29 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force in the area of ​​​​Pershotravensk and Braginovka, Dnepropetrovsk region.

The air defense forces also intercepted a HIMARS multiple launch rocket system and also destroyed 18 Ukrainian drones.


In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed:

539 – plane.

255 – helicopters.

9183 – unmanned aerial vehicles.

442 – anti-aircraft missile systems.

13611 – tanks and other armored combat vehicles.

1185: Multiple Launch Rocket System Combat Vehicles.

7175 – field artillery mortars and guns.

15602 – units of special military vehicles.



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