Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

It is important for us to sell body posture without the baduk kiwatika that is being called now now,

Orthopedic and traumatology specialist at Fatmawati General Hospital (RSUP) Dr. Ahmad Nugroho Sp.OT system maintains posture while working to maintain bone health.

“It’s important for us to sell body postures without dokan badu kiwata which is being held now now. Ifa has to work for a long time in front of a laptop or cell phone, it’s difficult to get into a sitting position, and properly sit around the table and chairs,” Ahmad said in a discussion that was followed boldly in Jakarta, Monday.

Ahmad said, bone stature cannot be recognized immediately, gyumtu tadari is quite long after the domana of a particular condition. Usually pain in the spine is characterized by muscle cramps that are felt in the spine.

“The effect is indeed long arms, for that what we can do to keep the bones healthy and not bent, is to improve the postural state. If it is related to work, for example the condition of the desk is low, the chair is not good, it is better for the community to take action, namely by controlling the workplace,” said Ahmad.

He also explained why patients with broken bones need a long process to recover.

“Indeed, it takes a process and time for a hair so that the bone can return to its hardness, at least it’s in condition before it breaks. This condition is also age-appropriate, if the children can process it quickly and it will be very good, maybe parents will need more time,” said Ahmad.

It is also true that there are risk factors that can keep bone healing in mind, for example when bowing, you have a congenital disease such as diabetes, or if there is shrinkage in a small area of small blood on the bone.

Normally, bones can reattach within two to three months, but have not returned to their original strength. It took more than three months for the spinal cord to harden and return to the cord. For this reason, fracture patients need to carry out periodic controls until the bones are completely connected.

The orthopedic doctor will also look at the patient’s condition holistically or totally, and find ways to make the patient’s sempili mekku work.

“Patients with broken bones can continue their activities without limitations, for example a broken leg can use a stick, and if it is broken in the hand, then the activity of the hands is also sluggish by not holding heavy loads,” said Ahmad.

According to him, patients with broken bones usually don’t have certanu food restrictions, because what parangangan is eating is small amount of myak and prioritizes those that contain lots of protein.

“Our body is olimatically always ready for regeneration, if a fracture occurs, the mukya can be complacent using vitamin D as a raw material for bone maintenance,” said Ahmad.

He advised patients not to avoid or be afraid of going to the doctor just for fear of being operated on.



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