Sat. Oct 19th, 2024

The one that takes our men’s singles to the next level. Bean Man – “King of Figurines”?

December 19, 2023, 22:00 Moscow time Audio version: Your browser does not support the audio element.

In terms of sports, Petya had no equal among Russian figure skaters this year. But that’s not the only thing he’s good at.

The annual “Championship” award “King and Queen of Figures” is about to find an owner. The final voting is in full swing on the “Skating Stroke” telegram channel – the choice of winners is yours! Among the men, Pyotr Gumennik, Vladislav Dikidzhi, Roman Kostomarov and Evgeniy Semenenko are fighting for the title. It is incredibly difficult to choose the best among such strong candidates, but it is still necessary. I thought for a long time about who to vote for and in the end I decided that I wanted to support Peter Gumennik. After all, it is this skater who is now advancing men’s single skating.

At the end of 2022, Gumennik almost became the champion of Russia: he scored the same points as Evgeny Semenenko, but came second due to a loss in the free program. Peter’s success was not accidental and he demonstrated it in the final of the 2023 Russian Grand Prix. The skater put in two excellent performances, leaving all his rivals out of work and proving that he deserves the status of the best individual skater in the country. According to the totality of the results, Peter really proved to be the strongest last season. But he’s not going to lower the bar on this either.

Gumennik is gradually moving towards complicating his programs: this season he started jumping quadruple lutz on skates. Understanding that men’s skating in the world is only advancing, Peter also tries to keep up. At the recent Friendship Cup in Belarus, the skater presented a very ambitious content: in the short program he performed a cascade of quadruple Lutz and triple loop, quadruple loop and triple Axel, and in the free skate he went to four quads: one lutz , loop and two Salchows. Why is this not world class? Gumennik closely follows international tournaments and understands that under no circumstances should one close oneself in the cocoon of it. And now he is one of the main skaters who are advancing men’s single skating in Russia. This is confirmed by his scores: he is the only one who managed to exceed 300 points among our individual players! And in the world only a few have achieved it: this season only Ilya Malinin and Adam Xiao Him Fa obtained such a rating.

Peter Gumennik

Photo: RIA Novosti

The most important distinguishing feature of Gumennik is that he knows how to think tactically. He does not take risks in vain: the skater carefully calculates how many points he needs and, based on this, creates the optimal content. Peter focuses on results and achieves them successfully. Education also helps you in this. Gumennik studies at ITMO at the Faculty of Software Engineering and Information Technology. And he studies seriously, and not to show off. In the future he would like to be a geneticist or biotechnologist. Peter is an excellent example of a figure skater who does not limit himself to sports and develops in a diversified way.

Furthermore, this year Gumennik showed himself as a person willing to fight for justice, even when it may be risky. Just before the skating tests, the skater was banned from performing with Rammstein: Peter chose the song Sonne in the spring as the musical accompaniment for the short program. They wrote a complaint against the skater to the Ministry of Sports, saying that he uses unpatriotic music, and then the federation told him that it was undesirable to perform with Rammstein.

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Banning programs for Rammstein is fundamentally wrong. Russia is against cancel culture!

The easiest way was to give up: forget about work and install a new, more acceptable program. But the skater decided to fight for his performance and finally found a solution that suited everyone: changing the original music for a version. As a result, the world finally saw Sonne’s show, and it was truly amazing!

Peter Gumennik is a determined athlete and a multifaceted person who sets a truly worthy example. I urge everyone to support him by voting on the “Skate Move” telegram channel.



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