Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

What blood tests allow doctors to recognize the main threats of the coronavirus to the body?

Photo: Svetlana MAKOVEEVA

Another wave of Covid is gaining momentum. How to protect yourself from dangerous complications this season? What to do at the first signs of infection? What blood tests allow doctors to recognize the main threats to the body? We talked about this with Associate Professor of Sechenov University, pulmonologist, cardiologist, clinical psychologist and candidate of medical sciences Vladimir Beketov.


– Vladimir Dmitrievich, if the first symptoms appear: fever, sore throat, nasal congestion, how to behave correctly?

– First of all, I would advise you to get a rapid test for COVID-19 (a nurse can take a swab at a local clinic or call a doctor to your home; rapid test kits are also sold in online stores with delivery .- Ed.).

If Covid is confirmed and a person is over 60 years old or suffers from chronic diseases, they should immediately consult a doctor. In particular, you can use remote medical consultation services. By the way, in some regions they are provided free of charge, under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

If you are under 60 years old and do not suffer from serious chronic diseases (diabetes, hypertension and others), I would recommend the following algorithm of actions:

1. Take sick leave.

If you weigh the need for an active social life against the health risks (including the threat of blood clots, heart attacks and strokes), you will realize that they outweigh much. Take care of yourself and don’t spread the infection further.

2. Drink plenty of fluids (“cardiac patients” and patients with kidney diseases, we remind you to consult a doctor; see editor’s note above). This helps the mucous membranes function: they will be hydrated from the inside. It also reduces blood viscosity. When you become more fluid, circulation improves and the immune system works more efficiently.

3. Try to sleep and rest a little. Even short naps during the day have been shown to increase the activity of key immune system molecules. In addition, it significantly reduces the level of stress that weakens the body.

4. If your throat hurts:

– To reduce local inflammation, you can gargle. The main thing is that these are solutions with a minimum alcohol content (or better without it) and without iodine. Because these substances dry and burn the mucosa. You can prepare solutions of calendula, chamomile: use pharmacy bags for brewing (if you are not allergic to herbal preparations), warm water + a quarter tablespoon of salt per glass;

– Lollipops with antiseptics are also an option. They can relieve symptoms. Because they increase salivation and saliva contains antibacterial and antiviral components. And in general, moisturizing the throat reduces pain and discomfort.

Important: Read the lollipop instructions carefully. They often contain sugar; People with diabetes should keep this in mind. If the composition contains anesthetics (to relieve pain symptoms), they may have a toxic effect when the dose is increased. If herbal medications are included, an allergy is possible.

5. If you have fever, temperature, pain (headache, muscles, joints) that you cannot tolerate, you can take paracetamol or ibuprofen.

All other medications should be selected individually with the doctor, emphasizes Dr. Beketov. In particular, medical consultation is required to prescribe cough medications; Depending on its nature and etiology (origin), therapy can vary significantly. When self-medicating for cough, there is a high risk of aggravating the situation.

! In general, if the illness does not begin to clear up after 3 days, a doctor should be consulted. “In such a situation, tests may be necessary to detect signs of complications in time and take action,” explains the expert.


“In some cases, Covid patients, even with the current “milder” variants of Omicron, need “heavy artillery”: anticoagulants and steroids (i.e. hormonal anti-inflammatories), continues Vladimir Beketov. – These drugs have a good therapeutic effect, but if used incorrectly, serious adverse reactions are possible and there are several contraindications. Therefore, only a doctor can decide to prescribe such medications and select the dosage, our expert emphasizes.

– Could you give us examples of when blood thinners (anticoagulants) and steroids are medically needed?

– If the patient is at risk, with aggravated medical history (with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, kidney failure, immunodeficiency conditions), then the treating doctor should immediately consider prescribing anticoagulants after confirming the covid diagnosis.

If a person has a severe fever that does not go away after 2 or 3 days, severe weakness and pain in the muscles and joints persist, this may also be a reason for the treating doctor to decide to select steroids and anticoagulants. In general, the prolonged nature of the course of Covid, even if the symptoms are not very pronounced but persist for a long time, usually means that the body does not have sufficient resources to cope on its own. In such situations, microthrombosis in small vessels often occurs (this can give a feeling of general weakness, weakness due to impaired blood circulation), correctly selected anticoagulants help to solve the problem.


At the request of “KP”, Dr. Beketov compiled a list of basic tests that are recommended to be performed after suffering from Covid or in case of a prolonged illness. These indicators help assess the risks of the most dangerous complications of coronavirus infection. Please note: this list is a guide, in each specific case you should discuss the list of necessary examinations with your treating doctor. It will also give the correct interpretation of the test results.

1. General blood test with expanded leukocyte formula.

2. D-dimer (an indicator of thrombosis risk).

3. C-reactive protein (an indicator of the level of systemic inflammation).

4. Procalcitonin (a marker for the development of a bacterial complication for which antibiotics are prescribed).

5. Creatinine (an important indicator of kidney function).


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