Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

We continue to present the heroes of the special operation.

Photo: Vladimir VELENGURIN

We continue to present the heroes of special operation “Z”, participants in the fighting in Donbass. Soldiers, sergeants, corporals and officers who demonstrated their professional experience, character and completed combat missions. His determination, assertiveness and combat experience are highly appreciated by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Our heroes thwarted attacks and prevented nationalist counteroffensives, for which they received state awards. But they are not useful for praising. The military is confident that the enemy has no chance of success, because Donbass and Russia are fighting for a just cause.

“Fight not with numbers, but with skill,” taught Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov, who did not lose a single battle. And he repeated to the soldiers: “Die yourself, but he saves your comrade.”

Sergeant Egor Zyryanov


Sergeant Egor Zyryanov

“The deputy platoon commander of an automobile company, Sergeant Yegor Zyryanov, carries out the tasks of delivering logistical equipment and ammunition to Russian units in areas located very close to the combat contact line. Moving in the lead vehicle, Zyryanov delivered ammunition to the artillery battery positions. Approaching the combat contact line, the convoy of vehicles came under mortar fire from Ukrainian militants who were attempting to take fire control over the supply routes and deprive the Russian units of supplies.

Quickly orienting himself in a difficult situation, skillfully maneuvering and choosing the safest possible route, Zyryanov removed his vehicle, loaded with ammunition, from enemy fire, preventing it from being hit and the charge being detonated. Upon reaching the designated area, Zyryanov organized the delivery of boxes of ammunition directly to the positions of the Russian artillerymen, who supported the actions of the units on the defensive line with their fire. Ukrainian militants did not abandon their attempts to deprive Russian units of supplies and carried out systematic shelling. While they were unloading vehicles, an artillery shell exploded nearby. Egor received a shrapnel wound, but continued with his companions carrying shells to the field warehouse. Thanks to the courage of Sergeant Yegor Zyryanov, who quickly delivered the necessary equipment, ammunition and goods under enemy fire, the Russian artillery battery, during the counterbattery fight, suppressed the nationalist artillery and continued to destroy armored vehicles and personnel of the advancing units. enemy, which significantly reduced its attack potential, the intensity of shelling of Russian positions decreased significantly.”

Sergeant Vladimir Berlim


Sergeant Vladimir Berlim

“During a special military operation, rifle sergeant Vladimir Berlim, while patrolling the rear area of ​​the Russian troop positions, discovered the movement of a group of unidentified people. Having assessed the situation and informed the commander, Vladimir and his companion secretly approached the intruders, after which, taking advantage of the surprise, they attacked. During the brief engagement, the enemy was neutralized and brought to the command post. During the interrogation, it was possible to find out the location of a sabotage and reconnaissance group of Ukrainian militants who were in an ambush and ready to attack the positions of Russian troops after committing sabotage. Vladimir, together with a group of soldiers, moved to the indicated area. Having secretly arrived at the site of the prepared enemy ambush, Vladimir destroyed a group of militants with a targeted shot from an RPG.”


A Russian Guard special forces soldier with the call sign “Saldat” played a famous Bach composition on the violin that he dedicated to all expecting mothers. The filming of the music video took place in the Donetsk People’s Republic on the eve of Mother’s Day.

“I dedicate this piece of music to all mothers, I wish them long life, health, so that they never lose their children,” said the “Soldier,” and he wished the mothers of warriors to always hope, love, believe and remember. May their children always be with them.



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