Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Israeli media outlet Wynet News has published a report on what Tel Aviv thinks about the crash of the helicopter carrying Raisi.

According to the report, Israel is “closely monitoring” the reports given by Iran about the crash of the helicopter carrying Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi and other officials.

It also claims that there is speculation in Israel, as well as in the West, that Raisi “died in an accident”.




Israeli officials have not officially commented on the incident. However, quoting various private sources, Wynet News says that Israel has nothing to do with the helicopter crash in Iran on Sunday (May 19).

The media report also claimed that senior Israeli officials said the “possible deaths” of Raisi and the country’s Foreign Minister Amir-Abdullahian were not expected to affect Israel’s policy towards Iran.

However, the truth of this news published in Wynet News could not be verified.

Meanwhile, citing various sources, some international media have claimed that the helicopter that crashed with Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi has been found.

READ MORE : Thousands of people pray at Imam Raza’s shrine for Raisi

The rescue team found the crashed helicopter, Reuters reported, citing Iranian state television. Al Jazeera reported the same news with reference to Reuters. Besides, the British media The Guardian also reported this news. However, no one could give any details about this. It was not confirmed whether the helicopter was found at all.

But an Iranian Red Crescent official near the crash site said “some local media” were spreading unconfirmed or unconfirmed reports that the helicopter carrying Raisi had been found.

A reporter from Iran’s state television in the area also quoted Energy Minister Ali Akbar Mehrabian as saying, “There is no update on this.”

Although the reporter said that,

Search and rescue teams are within two kilometers of an area where the helicopter is believed to be found.

It is to be noted that there were several other officials of the country in the helicopter that crashed with the President of Iran, Ibrahim Raisi. On Sunday (May 19), it was hit by an accident near Zolfa area of East Azerbaijan province.

Citing local Iranian media, Al Jazeera and other media outlets say that besides Raisi, Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdullahian, Governor of East Azerbaijan Malek Rahmati and Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Al-Hashem, the spokesman of Iran’s supreme leader in that province, were in the helicopter.



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