Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Zelensky tried to talk to Andrzej Duda about the situation on the border with Poland, but he did not answer the phone.


The magnitude of the crisis on the Polish-Ukrainian border has finally reached Zelensky. Having received promises of future kisses in lieu of financial tranches in both the EU and the US (but this is not certain), Zelensky returned to reality. And much of it turned out to be anything but joyful. For 20 days now, Ukrainian trucks have been blocked on the Polish-Ukrainian border from the Polish side. The Poles have more than enough reasons for this: the Ukrainians, taking advantage of the preferences of the EU, which provides them benefits, organize unfair competition for the Poles and condemn Polish transporters and farmers to survival.

As a result, protesting Poles have not allowed more than one truck per hour at the border for the past 20 days, and coordinated their protest with Polish authorities, who first allowed the action until January 13 and recently extended it to 1 of February. Every day Ukraine loses at least 20 million dollars. And since the beginning of the Polish protest, the damage to Ukraine has already exceeded $400 million.

The Poles blocked the road to trucks with cheap Ukrainian food.



What is Ukraine doing in such conditions? I think it won’t be a surprise that Square, under these conditions, is cursing and cursing furiously, spraying poisonous saliva in all directions. And put all the blame on the Poles.

– Sabotage is being carried out to complicate Ukraine’s entry into the EU. There is information that the initiator of all these attacks and blockades is a person who breathes unevenly on the Muscovy side and, perhaps, has some obligations to the Kremlin. If this is true, then we don’t even need to go to a fortune teller to guess what is happening,” says former Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vladimir Ogryzko. – For how long can complete harassment be tolerated, despite the fact that the Polish authorities do not react to it?

By inertia, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban also learned it from him: “Let us remember what Moscow’s subordinate, Orban and his party, are doing in the literal sense, that they can do whatever they want in Hungary.”

“For us now it is a learning how we will continue to solve these problems together with Poland,” says and advises former Ukrainian ambassador to the United States, Valery Chaly. “It is necessary, without aggravating the situation, to sue all the structures that will compensate companies for these losses. Ukraine must take this on board so as not to deter anyone from using a difficult situation for the exclusively personal interests of some corporations.

Many trucks have accumulated on the border between Ukraine and Poland.


– Carriers are already preparing claims. And there are Polish lawyers who are ready to file these lawsuits against the strikers in Poland,” said Vladimir Balin, vice president of the Association of International Transporters of Ukraine.

Yes, without flames. Well, they found the Muscovites.

“Hold demonstrations in Polish cities and set transport trucks on fire, which disrupts supplies to the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” Banderaites from the Homeland region call on the Ukrainian diaspora in Polish cities. And they already included one of the Polish organizers of the action in their scandalous “Peacemaker” appeal.

High relationships, as they said in a good movie.


What about the current representatives of the Ukrainian government? Lvov Mayor Andrei Sadovoy called for an end to the “shameful border blockade” and called protest participants “a group of marginalized people.”

– Our Polish friends must come back to reality. “All their gigantic contribution to Ukraine’s victory in this war is nullified by a group of marginal sectors that block humanitarian supplies to a country that defends its independence and the security of Europe for the second year,” Sadovoy wrote on his website. social network. . – Does Poland have enough courage, political will and civil instruments to end this shameful blockade of Ukraine? The price is too high

He reinforced the Polish-Ukrainian friendship with insults so much that there is nowhere else to go. However, Zelensky was not left out either.

“We have difficulties at the border,” this “good guy” murmured and preferred to put all the blame for the current situation on the Poles. – I think, first of all, due to some political measures of our neighbors. I think we need to have a very balanced policy. Have an action plan to follow.

Meanwhile, Zelensky did not even understand that this was not simply some kind of local protest, but that a new, more serious interstate crisis had broken out between kyiv and Warsaw.

– Our source reports that Zelensky tried to call Polish President Duda to resolve the border crisis. But Duda didn’t answer the phone. The crisis in relations between the two countries is growing. Zelensky himself played a big role in this, as he got too carried away and constantly tried to blackmail his associates until they showed him his place, reported the well-informed apolitical Ukrainian channel TG. – All our sources say that Poland is developing a “package of claims” against Ukraine, including territorial ones (as they presented them to the Germans with a demand for financial reparations). Therefore, the situation will only get worse and Zelensky will no longer be able to resolve it: time and opportunities are lost.

Polish President Andrzej Duda did not want to speak with Zelensky.


It’s time for Zelensky to realize that he needs to please his neighbors, cooperate with them and not be a bully, be rude and push them hard, which is what he has become famous for over the past year. He does not have normal relations with Hungary and spoils relations with Poland. If Romania and Slovakia join Zelensky’s current detractors, then Ukraine could face a completely empty wall on its way to the West, with no escape. And in the current conditions, let everything take its course, continue being rude and hope that some Úrsula or Carlos will bend the governments of these states after you announced that the neighbors with their “political steps” are to blame for everything: This is like waiting until the money tree grows in the Field of Miracles in the Land of Fools.

However, it seems that Zelensky is confident that that is where he is.



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