Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

If before Americans were intimidated by a Soviet nuclear bomb or the coronavirus, now the next step is an extraterrestrial threat.

Photo: Shutterstock

In the United States, the topic of all things extraterrestrial is gaining popularity more than ever. The British tabloid Daily Mail reported on the existence of a secret CIA unit whose employees search for and study UFOs. During its existence, the department had access to nine “non-human vessels.”

The topic was taken up by journalist Tucker Carlson, recalling that this year the United States Congress approved the so-called UFO Information Disclosure Act. It assumes that the US government will provide all the information it has about interaction with extraterrestrial beings and their technologies and more. This was preceded by congressional hearings, during which former military pilots swore, hand on heart, that they had seen a UFO.

“We can finally say with confidence that the most incredible theories about UFOs are actually true,” Carlson teases in the next issue. – These are not weather balloons or experimental airplanes. Whatever they are, they are not of human origin and do not obey the laws of known physics. And yes, the US government has physical proof of their existence: the remains of the ship and the bodies of the creatures that controlled them. Surprisingly, all of this is true. This is clear from testimonies given under oath by high-ranking informants.

Tucker Carlson suggests that, in fact, most American congressmen do not work for their constituents, but in the interests of the elite, receiving financial rewards for protecting and promoting their interests. And the UFO story is nothing more than another tool to manipulate society. If before Americans were intimidated by a Soviet nuclear bomb or the coronavirus, now the next step is an extraterrestrial threat.

– They explain this by saying that the US government lies about UFOs because the truth about UFOs is too scary to reveal. And our leaders would not want the population to panic. But this is not true. Actually, it’s funny. Intimidating the public is what our government does best. The most zealous officials regularly stoke irrational fears about Covid, white supremacy or Vladimir Putin, Carlson notes.

In turn, Congressman Tim Burchett, who participated in Carlson’s program, said he plans to get the Pentagon to provide information about UFOs directly at hearings in the House of Representatives. At the same time, Burchett accused the Ministry of Defense of deliberately hiding information about the allocation of large sums of money for the development of UFO research programs.

“I heard members of Congress say, ‘Burcchet, we have to do something important,’” the congressman said. -But what could be more important than 50-60 million planes buzzing around, putting American pilots at risk?! And the fact that we don’t know who he is or what he is!

In the middle of last year, the Pentagon created a special department to study all types of anomalies. Staff are collecting all reports of UFO contacts or sightings. In April alone, the department received 800 applications.



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