Sat. Oct 19th, 2024

Photo from the press service of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation.

On the initiative of the Kazakh side, a “round table” was held in Moscow dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation on good neighborliness and alliance in the 21st century. Politicians, diplomats and representatives of academic circles from both countries of Russia and Kazakhstan participated in their work.

Opening the meeting, Kazakhstan’s ambassador to Russia, Dauren Abaev, noted that our countries are “a striking example of harmonious relations.” The Kazakh ambassador drew attention to the fact that the meeting in Moscow is held in the context of Vladimir Putin’s recent visit to Astana. “I am sure that the inertial force of successful and fruitful meetings, concluded agreements and agreements between the heads of our states will determine the dynamics of partnership and alliance between Astana and Moscow for a long time. In this sense, we cannot fail to highlight both the content and the tone of the joint statement by Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and Vladimir Putin and the action plan of the two countries for 2024-2026. Therefore, the expert communities of Kazakhstan and Russia have a special role in forming constructive narratives of the Kazakh-Russian information and analytical agenda that meet the criteria of reliability and common sense,” the diplomat concluded.

Exemplary model of allied relations

With a welcome speech, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Murat Nurtleu, addressed the participants in the forum in absentia, who considers that the Treaty, whose tenth anniversary is being celebrated these days, has become an important milestone in the Russian-Kazakh relations. This document created conditions for constructive cooperation, contributed to the further expansion of interaction between the regions of the two countries and their joint work within the framework of international organizations: the UN, the CIS, the CSTO, the SCO. Trade turnover has reached record levels, Kazakhstan and Russia actively cooperate in the field of culture, an exemplary model of allied relations has been built between our countries, based on ties of friendship, good neighborliness and close ties between peoples.

The greeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergei Lavrov, was read by his deputy, Alexandr Pankin, present at the round table. The head of Russian diplomacy emphasized that the consistent implementation of the document, which became a historical milestone, made it possible to establish allied relations of trust between the two countries. Alexander Pankin himself added that the provisions of the Treaty between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation on good neighborliness and alliance in the 21st century became the starting point for a number of important initiatives that determine our interaction in the Eurasian space and the CIS. The deputy head of the Russian Foreign Ministry called Kazakhstan “one of Russia’s closest allies in the Eurasian space and in the world in general.”

The Russian ambassador to Kazakhstan, Alexey Borodavkin, noted in his video message that the Treaty is “the fundamental document that defines the legal basis of our relations.” For his part, the Speaker of the Lower House of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Erlan Koshanov, noted in his greeting that the friendly and trusting relations between the Heads of our States organically complement the foundations established in the agreement, and their contacts regularly allow you to effectively realize your potential.

Photo from the press service of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation.

The head of the Committee on International Relations, Defense and Security of the Senate of Kazakhstan, Andrei Lukin, stressed the importance of interparliamentary relations. He recalled that the Commission on Cooperation between the Upper Houses of the Parliaments of our states has been operating successfully since 2012, the twentieth meeting of which was held in October in Uralsk.

Russian Senator Tatyana Sakharova noted that the commission mentioned by her Kazakh colleague is one of the most active in the Federation Council. Among its priorities are the development of interregional ties, cultural and humanitarian cooperation, issues of rational use of transboundary rivers and nature conservation, and interaction in agriculture. “Strengthening relations with Astana is our absolute priority,” Sakharova stressed.

Another Russian legislator, State Duma deputy and coordinator of the group for relations with the Parliament of Kazakhstan, Viktor Seliverstov, also spoke about the importance of strengthening interparliamentary relations. “It is very important for us to have personal contact with our Kazakh colleagues, with whom there are practically no disagreements. The more actively we work, the stronger our relations will be,” said the parliamentarian. His colleague from Kazakhstan, MP Marat Bashimov, highlighted the important role of scientific ties between countries, for example, the opening of university branches in neighboring countries.

Scientists against counterfeits

The director of the Institute of Foreign Policy Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Bolat Nurgaliev, recalled that the 2013 agreement was preceded by the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance of 1992 and the Declaration of Friendship and Eternal Alliance aimed at XXI century. 1998. “By comparing these three documents it is seen how, as experience was acquired, the formulations crystallized, the starting points were clarified, the contents were specified and some accents were rearranged. This reflects the natural process of adaptation of the legal framework for cooperation, a coordinated understanding of the common interests of the two countries and their peoples,” says the Kazakh scientist.

The interests of States exclude any manifestation of xenophobia and discrimination against minorities, stressed the director of the Kazakhstan Foreign Policy Research Institute. He recalled the call that the great Kazakh poet Abai addressed to his fellow tribesmen: “Learn to read and write in Russian” (“Words of Edification”, Word Twenty-Fifth – Ed.).

Advisor to the director of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, Vyacheslav Kholodkov, noted that the world has entered a new stage, marked by the breakdown of existing relations, including in the post-Soviet space, and the growth of national populism. In this context, Russian-Kazakh relations compare favorably with many, since there is nothing similar in the politics of our states, the political scientist considers.

Igor Savin, senior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, highlighted an alarming trend, according to whose observations false messages in the information field have a greater impact on the audience than balanced opinions of experts. Savin proposed creating a channel for rapid response of experts to fakes on the Internet.

The director of the Institute of Strategic Studies of Kazakhstan, under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Erkin Tukumov, and the deputy director of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sergei Afontsev, recalled that the first meeting of the Kazakh-Russian Expert Council was held this year. In his opinion, joint meetings of experts of our countries should discuss urgent issues that otherwise become topics of amateur discussion and are detrimental to relations between our states.

Director of the Russian Center for Contemporary Research “Alternative” Andrey Chebotarev drew attention to the article of the historic agreement on cooperation in the field of education, science and technology. The expert called for expanding academic contacts between our countries and increasing the role of representatives of the scientific community in the activities of the CSTO and the EAEU.

Photo from the press service of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation.

Power based on verified data

Summing up the results of the round table in a conversation with KP, Professor of the Higher School of Social and Human Sciences of the International University of Astana, Taisiya Marmontova, emphasized that in modern conditions power is based on data, the concept Data-based management (“data-based management”) determines the effectiveness of the decisions made.

“Look, today at the round table, on the one hand, representatives of the authorities met, that is. parliamentarians, senior officials of the ministries of Foreign Affairs and, on the other hand, scientists. Scientists can provide data, provide our vision of the situation. And as part of this direct communication, we make recommendations that are quite easy to implement: officials gather experts within the framework of existing budget financing, experts provide verified data,” said Taisiya Marmontova. – The leaders of the parliamentary groups have met here. When they return to their workplaces, they enter this data in the agenda; This is how we update the agenda. Including the agenda of Russian-Kazakh relations, which, as noted today, despite the unprecedented level of integration, has problem areas.”

For his part, Sergei Afontsev, deputy director of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, highly appreciated the productivity of the forum organized by the Embassy of Kazakhstan.

“I think it was a very positive and productive event. I fully agree with the opinion of Mr. Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Russia that such events are necessary regularly and in different ways to discuss various problems with representatives of the academic and expert community, with representatives of circles interested in the development. and the implementation of our joint decisions in the field of bilateral cooperation. I hope that this initiative will develop further,” said Sergei Afontsev. – These events must be regular so that, on the one hand, we better understand the agenda with which the communities of experts in our countries work and, on the other hand, we reach common decisions. “Experience shows that the presence of these existing expert platforms is an important catalyst in bilateral cooperation.”



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