Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

After 22 years of broadcast, the acclaimed Spanish series ‘Tell me how it happened’ concludes its career, marking the end of an era on Spanish television. With 420 episodes and 23 seasons, the series has offered a look at life in Spain from 1968 to 2001, through the eyes of the Alcántara family.

A journey through the history of Spain

The series, launched in 2000, introduced audiences to significant historical events, from Massiel’s Eurovision victory to Franco’s death. The Alcántara family, headed by Antonio (Imanol Arias) and Mercedes (Ana Duato), has been a constant in viewers’ homes, allowing them an emotional and educational journey through decades of Spanish history.

Recognitions and achievements

‘Tell Me How It Happened’ not only captured the public’s attention but also received numerous awards, including the National Television Award in 2009 and several international nominations. Its ability to maintain high ratings over the years has been a testament to its quality and relevance.

Changes in Cuéntame

Over the years, the series maintained a stable cast, with characters such as Irene Visedo (Inés), Pablo Rivero (Toni) and Ricardo Gómez (Carlos), complementing the main protagonists. The series also saw renowned actors take on supporting roles, enriching its narrative.

Tax fraud accusations

However, ‘Tell me how it happened’ was not without controversy. The most notable involved Imanol Arias and Ana Duato, who faced accusations of tax fraud. Despite these challenges, the series remained strong, being a reflection of change and continuity in Spanish society.

When does Cuéntame broadcast its last episode?

This Wednesday, the series will broadcast its last episode, closing a significant chapter on Spanish television. The farewell of ‘Tell me how it happened’ not only marks the end of a series, but the end of a deep emotional connection with its audience.

The legacy of ‘Tell me how it happened’

‘Tell me how it happened’, more than a television series, became a mirror of Spanish society, reflecting its changes, challenges and evolution. His legacy will endure as an audiovisual chronicle of the recent history of Spain, leaving an indelible mark on culture and entertainment.

Cuéntame special program

The Alcántara will live their big farewell this Wednesday on La 1 after 22 years on the air and 400 episodes. The last episode of ‘Tell me how it happened’ will be preceded by a special program, ‘Tell me how it was’, presented by Imanol Arias and Ana Duato, along with the actors who have played the members of the Alcántara family, which will collect testimonies from their protagonists and followers of the series.



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