Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Liubov Uspenskaya.

Photo: Vladimir VELENGURIN

Lyubov Uspenskaya tries to lead a healthy lifestyle: the 69-year-old singer strives to eat right and practices yoga. But this was not always the case. At the recent Golden Gramophone award ceremony, the artist told how she got very drunk and she went to perform this way at a corporate event in Barvikha.

It was New Year’s Eve; That afternoon Liubov Zalmanovna was going from one party to another. And in each one she took it to her breast. As a result, she arrived in Barvikha, where she was scheduled to perform in front of wealthy spectators, in an almost insane state.

“I drank too much. This was already the fourth job. They brought me in and I was not in any condition. The organizers said, “My God, how will he sing?” And they just put me there. I remember that I was in Barvikha, the men were sitting, and I turned towards Uspenskaya. And then I went out and fell,” the singer told the portal.

Lyubov Zalmanovna claims that since then she stopped drinking alcohol completely.

“So I allowed myself to have a lot of fun. But in general I don’t drink,” she says.

The singer has said more than once that she does not go on a diet. On the contrary, she eats often, but little. In addition, she excluded all fried foods from her diet, as well as restaurant dishes. For breakfast she prefers pancakes with cottage cheese, for lunch – salad with chicken (or boiled chicken with avocado). And for dinner she loves scrambled quail eggs.

Uspenskaya said she starts each morning with two glasses of water and yoga. If he can’t do yoga, he goes for a walk. But the singer considers that proper nutrition and complete abstinence from alcohol are the main secret of her youth. The interpreter says that she tries to keep up to date to be young at heart.

However, Uspenskaya is modestly silent about another secret of her youth. The singer has gone under the knife more than once. In search of youth and beauty, the artist resorted to the most radical means. Not all of them ended successfully. Lyubov Zalmanovna said that she was not satisfied with the plastic surgery performed by the famous surgeon Timur Khaidarov. According to the singer, Aesculapius disfigured his breasts and made his buttocks too provocative. The doctor inflated the star’s “butt” with his own fat, but he overdid it.



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