Sun. Oct 13th, 2024

This made it possible to purchase and deliver to soldiers on the front line more than 2,270 quadcopters, 9,900 radio stations of various types, 6,500 sights, 1,960 generators, 1,280 anti-drone guns, 741 cars, 176 all-terrain vehicles, 20,800 bulletproof vests and many others. necessary things on the line of combat contact. In total, more than 3 million transfers were made. There are philanthropists who donate money every month.

As the head of the Executive Committee of the Popular Front, Mikhail Kuznetsov, said, a distribution warehouse has been created in Rostov-on-Don for the rapid delivery of necessary items to the fighters.

Personal collections on the “Everything for Victory!” Foundation site. launched by members of the Central Headquarters of the Popular Front, war correspondents, journalists, television presenters and artists Alexander Kots, Nikolai Dolgachev, Andrei Rudenko, Ilya Ushenin, Irina Kuksenkova, Yulia Baranovskaya, Ruslan Ostashko, Yulia Chicherina, Dmitry Pevtsov, Denis Maidanov, Polina Tsvetkova and others.

The most active participants in the Popular Front meetings met at the Central Executive Committee of the social movement, were told about current projects and meetings, were given letters of gratitude, and were presented with unique stripes created specifically for combatants serving in the first line.

“Now we are going to have a New Year’s meeting, a ‘warm’ meeting, as we call it,” Mikhail Kuznetsov recalled. “Because there will be heat guns, stoves and much, much more. I urge everyone to join this, to take part in this, so that our guys on the front line receive New Year’s gifts.”

You can join the project on the website



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