Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

“Neural networks are already appearing in family services, so the ability to work with them is becoming part of digital literacy,” says Dmitry Masyuk, head of the Yandex Search and Advertising Technologies business group. “They allow more effectively to solve work, educational and everyday problems. Neurostat results show that “Russians feel this global trend, are beginning to immerse themselves in the topic and are increasingly using the new tool. We hope that the notable interest of Internet users in generative neural networks will become an additional incentive for companies to implement them in their products.”

According to Neurostat, in just a couple of months the number of users of text and image neural networks has increased in Russia. If in summer they were 24 and 26 percent, in autumn it was already 31 percent. And knowledge about neural networks is even higher: the number of those who know what text neural networks are and why they are necessary is 58 percent, knowledge about neural networks for image generation is 75 percent.

“Interest in neural networks in Russia is growing precisely because of their availability,” says Denis Kuskov, general director of Telecom Daily: “Among the respondents there are mainly active, young and middle-aged people, that is, those who are interested in testing neural networks.” capabilities of neural networks in real life.” Potentially, 15-20 million users have used neural networks for their own purposes in one way or another. I think their number will gradually increase and companies will more actively integrate neural networks in their products and business processes.”

Although more than half of Internet users have at least heard of generative neural networks and a third have already used them, the specific terminology of the survey participants is still not as familiar to them. Only 13 percent of respondents who know about neural networks and 18 percent of those who already use them were able to explain what “promt” is (a text query, instructions for a generative model).

“Yandex’s initiative to create a tool for evaluating the use of generative neural networks is extremely valuable for the Alliance in the field of artificial intelligence and its participants,” says Natalia Maltseva, director of the Alliance in the field of AI. Following the trends of a key technology for the market, the speed of its penetration into life, will allow “to better understand the needs for educational and dissemination activities, which form an important part of the work of our association. We are sure that Neurostat Los Data will be useful in the planning and implementation of Alliance projects in the field of higher and school education, personnel and science, and the benchmarking of fundamental models.”

This year, Yandex launched its own neural network, YandexGPT, which can create and process texts, offer new ideas and take into account the context of the conversation with the user. It is available in Alice’s “Let’s Make It Up” mode. YandexGPT also briefly retells the texts of Internet articles in Yandex Browser and on, summarizes information from product reviews in Search and Market, helps create product descriptions for Market sellers, and more. You can try the neural network in your own company; To do this, you must submit an API access request.



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