Mon. Sep 30th, 2024

This unusual story is literally full of mysteries. It is so full of myths and unexpected discoveries that one is simply surprised. As a result, one gets the strong impression that all the facts are hidden in a suitcase with a double bottom. The fate of our hero still arouses genuine interest. We suggest that he try to solve it.

brave pilot

Fighter pilot, guard captain. Ivan Datsenko, Hero of the Soviet Union was born on November 29, 1918 in the village of Chernechiy Yar, near Gogol’s Dikanka. He grew up in a normal family and his peasant background promised a bright future for the boy.

After completing seven years of school, Ivan will enter veterinary school. He will then work in his specialty for a short time. In 1937, Datsenko was drafted into the Red Army. Here, a rural man suddenly wakes up with the desire to fly into the sky. On the recommendation of high-ranking comrades, an active Komsomol member will join the party. And then – to Chkalov’s flight school.

From the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Ivan Datsenko participated in combat missions. Let us note that the pilot fought with courage and skill. In the summer of 1942 he was seriously wounded, but with the last of his strength, overcoming his pain, he managed to land the combat vehicle at the airfield of his house.

Ivan Datsenko participated in the famous Battle of Stalingrad: his attack aircraft successfully bombed Nazi positions. At that time he was considered an experienced and successful pilot. The Order of Lenin and the Red Banner adorned the chest of the combat officer, and on September 18, 1943 he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Photo: wwing /

Ivan Datsenko managed to visit his homeland. For the village of Chernechiy Yar, this was quite an event that remained in the memory of residents for a long time. Vacations with family and friends passed quickly. Soon, Guard Captain Ivan Datsenko moved to his long-range aviation regiment. This was the fighter pilot’s last meeting with his family.

Disappearance without a trace

On April 19, 1944, after successfully completing the mission, when the Lvov-2 railway station was destroyed, Ivan Datsenko’s plane was attacked by German anti-aircraft guns. The car fell to the ground and exploded. All this happened in front of the other pilots who were returning to the airfield after the bombing.

A funeral was held in the hometown of the Hero of the Soviet Union. And a little later Ivan Datsenko’s personal belongings were also handed over. He was declared missing in enemy territory.

Only in the 1980s they remembered Ivan Dotsenko and solemnly erected a symbolic monument in Bryukovichichi, on the territory of the pioneer camp, the alleged crash site of Datsenko’s plane. A little later, a granite slab appeared in the hero’s hometown. The names of Ivan Datsenko and his crew members were immortalized in it.

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unexpected news

The news that the famous pilot was alive and living in Canada sounded like a bolt from the blue. It turns out that now Ivan Datsenko is the leader of the Iroquois and a respected person on the Indian reservation. His name is Piercing Fire and the white people call him John McComber. This sensation excited the entire world. Unprecedented excitement arose around the personality of the former fighter pilot.

Although it should be noted that interest in Ivan Datsenko arose even earlier. According to the famous Soviet dancer Makhmud Esambaev, who was part of the delegation that flew to Quebec for the Expo 67 world exhibition, he met Datsenko by chance during an excursion to an Indian reservation.

Daria Ivanovna, sister of Ivan Datsenko, received a photograph of her brother from Esambaev. But soon the famous dancer unexpectedly stopped communicating with the pilot’s relatives. And then she completely retracted her words. She began to say that she had never seen Ivan Datsenko as the leader of the Iroquois. The video of the Indian vacation in the reserve also disappeared (this filming was made by Esambaev himself). According to him, the material was allegedly burned in a fire.

The sensational photo of Ivan Datsenko

The first program, “Wait for me”, dedicated to the life of Ivan Datsenko, premiered on January 28, 2002. Here the presenters of the program talked about the transcription of Esambaev’s speech at the meeting of all unions of cultural workers in Zhytomyr on March 29, 1991. This is what he said then:

“That day was a day off. We have arrived. At the same time between 800 and 900 people danced: men, women, children. Impossibly beautiful! I ask: “Where is the leader?” And then I see a tall, strongly built man coming towards me. All decorated, with a festive feather headdress on the head. He was my height, maybe even taller. Nearby was a beautiful Indian wife. And then she leaned over and said, “Be healthy! Good afternoon. Happy to welcome you. Please come to my cabin.”

There were more than 20 people who recognized the famous pilot in the photograph. Iván’s sister had no doubts about the authenticity of the photograph. The famous forensic expert Sergei Nikitin, after careful investigation, also came to the conclusion: the photo really shows Datsenko.

In 2010, the book “Heroes of the Soviet Union” was published. Directory”. And on one of the pages you can find an interesting entry: “Datsenko Ivan Ivanovich… Died in Canada. Iroquois reservation. In the 1980s.” It seemed that everything was extremely clear now. And we can rightly say that “the Indian from the farm near Dikanka” left a notable mark far from his homeland. It was in Canada that the former captain of the guard Ivan Datsenko found personal happiness, respect and … his last refuge.

However, it is too early to put an end to this extremely confusing story…

Photo: CharlotteMB /

The investigation continues

There are facts that still call into question the authenticity of this story. For example, on that tragic day when the crew of the Hero of the Soviet Union died, his comrades noticed a significant discrepancy. After the direct hit of a German shell on the car, no one saw the open parachute canopies. And it seems that neither Ivan Datsenko nor his co-pilot managed to get out of the burning car. Upon impact with the ground, the plane exploded and shattered. For the pilots to survive in this situation would amount to a miracle.

Other information is also confusing. In 1936, a man named Piercing Fire opened the Indian Museum in Canada. At that time, Ivan Datsenko was still a veterinarian and was preparing for service in the Red Army.

Let us also add that there was no trace of a man named John McComber on the reservation. Although this last name was very well known in Kahnawake. Its founder is considered to be the Protestant Jarvis McComber, who, in search of a piece of bread, left his native Massachusetts and settled in Canada.

This happened in 1796. In Canada, Jarvis quickly became Catholic and became a successful fur trapper. He married an Indian woman, Charlotte, and then two more women. The result of his stormy family life is 26 children who, after the death of his father, did not live in poverty and thanked their parents for their business acumen.

One of Jarvis McComber’s descendants came up with a unique business: he opened a huge “wigwam” with all Indian accessories – excellent bait for tourists. And at the same time he became the leader of the reserve.

Unfortunately, there is only one way to shed light on the truth associated with the fantastic story of Ivan Datsenko. This will only be possible if the exact place of death of the combat crew member is discovered and the plane with the remains of the Soviet officers is lifted.

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