Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Two people died in a suicide incident in Yokohama, Japan. A teenage girl jumps from a shopping center in the city to commit suicide. He then fell down on a pedestrian. In a report on Monday (September 3), the British press reported the information to BBC News.

According to the report, this incident happened on Saturday evening local time. The girl who committed suicide was studying in high school. The pedestrian who lost his life in this incident was 32 years old. At that time, the woman was walking past the shopping center with her friends.

Both were taken to hospital around 6pm local time. After about an hour of treatment there, the doctors on duty declared the girl dead. The woman also died shortly after.

According to official statistics, it is not clear why the girl committed suicide. However, many young people under the age of 18 commit suicide in Japan.

Last year, 513 young people committed suicide in Japan, with ‘school problems’ cited as the biggest cause.
Students who do not want to return to school are known as futoko. Futoko means ‘those who do not go to school’.

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