Sun. Oct 13th, 2024

According to Deputy Mayor and Head of the Construction and Architecture Department of the Novosibirsk City Council, Alexey Kondratyev, there are currently 27 long-term construction houses in the city. According to preliminary data, decisions on seven objects will be made in 2024, and on the rest – at the end of 2023.

There are various mechanisms to resolve the problems of defrauded shareholders. This involves the reimbursement of costs to affected citizens or the construction and commissioning of facilities.

Work is underway to implement large-scale investment projects (SIP) within the framework of regional law. Since the beginning of this year, four such projects have been implemented and funds worth 865.7 million rubles have been allocated to complete problematic projects, the construction of which is carried out by housing construction cooperatives.

In addition, participants in shared construction can receive support: they receive residential premises at a reduced price from the initiators of small investment projects in accordance with the procedure approved by Municipal Resolution No. 709 of February 26, 2018. The preferential cost for citizens in October 2023 it was reduced to 6.5 percent (previously it was 15.2 percent) per square meter of market value.

In the city there are long-term construction projects with a history of ten years or more, notes the mayor’s press center. In some of them, the works have already been completed this year. For example, the Zakamensky microdistrict and long-term construction on Svyazistov Street, 13/1.

“Three houses are currently being built in the Zakamensky residential area,” said the deputy mayor. – This year two houses will be put into operation. They are in a high state of preparation. On Svyazistov Street, 13/1, agreements are being completed with citizens, that is, people are offered to reinvest in the new construction of a house on the site of an unfinished one or to reimburse the costs. Thus, before the end of the year the issues regarding both the status of shareholders and the status of this object will be resolved.

At the beginning of the year in Novosibirsk there were 32 long-term construction projects, five of which were already completed. Using regional and municipal support measures, apartment buildings were put into operation in the Zakamensky microdistrict, building 12, on the street. Kropotkina, building 130/6 (second stage), st. Volkhovskoy, building 37, st. Galuschaka, 15, st. Yesenina, page 1/12, which allowed the rights of 1,280 defrauded shareholders to be restored.

Since 2018, the developers have selected 904 defrauded shareholders and 581 shareholders have been given the keys to new apartments. Currently, 197 people are waiting to have their rights restored; for the most part, decisions have been made.



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