Sun. Oct 13th, 2024

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine reports that recently the number of desertion cases in the Armed Forces of Ukraine has increased tenfold.


Most of the Western equipment burned in the direction of Krasnolimansk in one day

The group of “Western” troops in the direction of Kupyansk eliminated up to 50 militants, two armored vehicles and three pickup trucks, one “Polish Crab” self-propelled gun, one American M777 artillery system, one D-20 howitzer and two self-propelled Gvozdika. propelled weapons. Thanks to the efforts of the Center’s group of troops in the Krasnolimansk direction, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost up to 95 people, three armored vehicles, four cars, an American M109 Paladin self-propelled gun and a Polish Krab, as well as a French gun. -Caesar self-propelled cannon manufactured. The “southern” group of troops in the direction of Donetsk repelled two attacks by assault groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which destroyed up to three companies, three tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, four pickup trucks, one Msta-B howitzer, a Giatsint cannon and three D-30 howitzers. The Vostok group of troops in the southern direction of Donetsk disabled up to 140 militants, three armored personnel carriers, 4 vehicles, the M777 artillery system and the Gvozdika self-propelled gun. In the direction of Zaporozhye, the enemy lost up to one platoon, two tanks, 11 armored vehicles, four vehicles and one D-20 howitzer. In the direction of Kherson, up to 50 nationalists, four cars and two Msta-B howitzers were destroyed. Air defense forces in the Tyaginka area of ​​the Kherson region shot down a Mi-8 of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, intercepted 8 HIMARS MLRS rockets and 24 Ukrainian drones.

Desertion in the Armed Forces of Ukraine has increased tenfold

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine reports that recently the number of desertion cases in the Armed Forces of Ukraine has increased tenfold. If in 2021 the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine opened 117 criminal cases for desertion and prosecutors assessed 2,028 episodes as unauthorized abandonment of a military unit or place of service, in nine months of 2023, 4,638 soldiers escaped from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 10,940 temporarily left the unit and the number of crossbowmen increased to 161 (instead of 33 cases in the same period two years earlier). Serving in the Ukrainian army is an incredible dream. Or unlimited.

Ukrainian agent in Voronezh tried to kill Russian general

The FSB detained a man in Voronezh who was planning the assassination of a senior Russian army commander. The goal of the terrorist attack is to create an atmosphere of fear and confusion. The FSB Public Relations Center quotes the words of the detainee: “In Voronezh, I received instructions from my curator Anton to blow up a high-ranking commander of the Russian army. The intention was to scare other soldiers and civilians.” A 28-year-old Ukrainian citizen, who was in this Russian city of more than a million inhabitants, was commissioned by the Nezalezhnaya special service, through a curator, to carry out an act of sabotage and terrorism that would have resonance in the whole country. But it seems he didn’t have time to grow a scarecrow.

The Ukrainian footballer in Spain is looked at with squinted eyes

Ukraine and Valencia forward Roman Yaremchuk reacted harshly to reports that he was having trouble adapting to the Spanish club and that other players were boycotting him. Yaremchuk was outraged on social media: “What nonsense are you writing? If I play badly it doesn’t mean I have problems with the team. They were not and are not. If you write “Yaremchuk is the last”, that’s all you can do!” This forward, known for his nationalist actions, arrived at Valencia three months ago. Originally from Lvov, he was on the field in 7 of 13 matches of the Spanish Championship. He did not score a goal or give a good pass, but he argued with the referees and the opposing players. So, is this striker already bottom or is he still just a cover?

Roman Yaremchuk as part of his previous club, Belgian club Brugge.


Zaluzhny considers the situation on the fronts difficult, but controllable

Valery Zaluzhny, commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, stated that the situation on the front is difficult. This was announced by the general at a meeting of the contact group on military assistance to Ukraine in the Ramstein format. Earlier, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine spoke by phone with the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Brown. Zaluzhny complained about the difficulties in certain sectors of the front, about the tough plans for the difficult winter period and about the great needs of the Ukrainian troops for almost everything. The independent general described the situation in the Avdeievski, Kupyanski and Marinski directions as “controlled.” He just didn’t add who controls it.

Ukrainian Armed Forces resupply anti-tank weapons before winter

On the eve of the end of the autumn thaw, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are feverishly strengthening their defense with anti-tank weapons in the direction of Kupyansk. According to retired LPR lieutenant colonel Andrey Marochko, the Ukrainian army is massively equipping positions with grenade launchers and anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) equipment in tank-dangerous areas northeast and southeast of Kupyansk. Previously, these areas did not pose a threat to Ukrainian security forces due to muddy roads and swampy areas. But again General Moroz defended the Russians. Which means: winter has come: open the gates of Kupyansk?

A Ukrainian tanker looks out from a T-72 tank.


Austrian minister not happy with Ukraine’s aspirations to join the EU

Alexander Schallenberg, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Austria, believes that the EU should not drag Ukraine into its union to the detriment of the Balkan countries. In an interview with the Financial Times, the Austrian minister said that some applicants for EU membership should not be allowed to “move on the fast track and others on the substitute track.” And if you look at the Western Balkans “with a magnifying glass and Ukraine with rose-colored glasses,” then this threatens “a geostrategic catastrophe.” The Austrian minister generally expressed his doubts that kyiv would become a member of the EU while maintaining the bloc’s current enlargement policy. Doubt is the mother of learning.

The State Department will invest a million dollars in Ukrainian democracy

The US State Department’s Office of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Relations will send nearly $1 million to a program to “protect freedom of opinion, the media and the Internet in Ukraine.” The initiative aims to create measures to “respond to information warfare.” According to RT, the stated goal of the project is to strengthen the ability of Ukrainian society to protect freedom of expression in times of war and “ensure that Ukraine meets its international obligations on freedom of expression and strengthens its legislation in the field of the protection”. freedom of expression for the future of its post-war future.” The total amount of funding for the program is 987 thousand dollars and the authors believe that the goals will be achieved in two years. Well, of course, for two years it is simply a ridiculous money, and freedom even costs more, and not everyone will make it…

Square prepares a new mobilization law

David Arakhamia, head of the Servants of the People faction in the Ukrainian parliament, said that a new law on mobilization is being prepared in the Rada. The project contains information on how rotation and demobilization are organized in the new conditions, as well as the age of people who will be recruited into the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The law will separately detail the issues of demobilization of disabled people of the first and second groups, those who returned from captivity and cancer patients in the service. It takes into account the last wishes of the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense of the Square. In this context, the number of draft evaders and those attempting to escape mandatory military service to take refuge in neighboring countries is growing rapidly. The law must be approved quickly, otherwise who will defend the cause of Borrell and Úrsula?



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