Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

All the time since the beginning of the SVO, Ukrainian military registration and enlistment officers have violated the law.


For more than a year, videos of how employees of Ukraine’s military registration and enlistment offices (territorial recruiting centers – TRC) drive, catch, twist and detain mobilized Ukrainians have gone viral on the Internet. Military registration and enlistment officers rampage through the streets, stores, movie theaters, recreation areas, nightclubs, and daytime cafes, everywhere, as far as their feet can reach and as far as their hands can reach. The timid and bewildered questions that this could not be done were drowned out by the friendly chorus of the “Ukropatriots” from the rear: “No, it is possible, it is possible. It is possible and necessary!”

And everyone would still agree with this situation, but then, as it is fashionable to say lately, the secretary of the Committee on National Security Affairs of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Roman Kostenko, uttered the words “stop my beer.” .”

– Now there are many questions from the TCC and from the citizens they are trying to mobilize. In fact, the TCC has no right to detain a person, subpoena him or demand documents. The police sometimes stay away from this so as not to be at the center of a scandal, so as not to involve a person,” he said. But he immediately added that it is ready and that before the New Year the Ukrainian parliament should pass a law in which military registration and enlistment officers will be able to stop people on the street and serve them with summonses. At the same time, TCC employees will be able to make audio and video recordings of their communications with citizens.

However, if you look at what kind of forceful actions military registration and enlistment officers carry out without any legal basis, one can only guess to what extent they will personally expand their powers when they have at least some real and legal reasons.

By the way, the appearance of such a bill was previously announced by the head of the Servant of the People faction in the Verkhovna Rada, David Arakhamia, who has become widely known in recent days.

Only one completely logical question arises: what should those tens, if not hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men who were detained and mobilized with all possible violations of the law, do now? Will they be released to return home to the rear? Will they be compensated? Will they mobilize again, but in accordance with the law?

None of that, they won’t even apologize. The actions of military registration and enlistment officers are recognized as legal after the fact. Furthermore, the Ukrainian authorities have definitely decided to legitimize the forced mobilization in the near future.



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