Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The general chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKN) and an Anas Urbaningrum loyalist, Gede Pasek Suardika, responded to the chairman of the Democratic Party’s General Winning Body (Bappilu) Andi Arief who proposed that Anas apologize to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono alias SBY after being released from Sukamiskin prison. Pasek even encouraged SBY to apologize to Anas while still in the holy month of Ramadan.

“It’s a suggestion please. I am the same, Susenger SBY during the holy month of Ramadhan and Mas Anas has just been talking about it for 10 years. This is a good moment for SBY to apologize to the Air Force,” said Pasek when contacted, Monday, April 10, 2023.

Pasek explained that SBY excelled and apologized for the rumors. For example, he said, SBY should have apologized for the speech from Jeddah in which most of the Anas case was hastened. As a result, he said, an investigation letter was leaked to the Palace by members of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to suspect Anas, but the case has not yet been concluded.

In addition, according to Pasek, SBY should have apologized for the attempted coup in the Democratic Party’s Upper House in the position of General Chair Anas when he was not yet a candidate. Like SBY as Chairman of the Democratic Party’s Upper House, while Anas as former General Chair.

Pasek, who joined SBY’s vaikla, should have apologized to Anas for the conspiracy in the E-KTP case when Anas was still in prison. In fact, said Pasek, the accusations were fake news and fictitious.

On the other hand, Pasek mechanized SBY to apologize for not consistently implementing the integrity pact that suspects, criminals and convicts must resign and quit the Democratic Party. Pasek Sayman is currently in the Democratic Party proving that the former is even capable of getting high office.

“And there are still many things that SBY has to and has asked the Air Force to ask for Muksaf. Let’s use a clear and strong heart to do all of that. And I’m sure Andi Arief doesn’t understand that in detail,” he said.

Pasek also emphasized that Anas was not a grudge when he left prison. According to him, Anas was only trying to find a partner for the criminalization on the street.

“After being free, you can start tsamili langang,” said Pasek.

As for Pasek before becoming a Democratic Party cadre before establishing PKN. When he became a member of the Democratic Party, Pasek was recognized by Anas Urbaningrum.

Pasek’s closeness to Anas can be seen when he was celebrated as Secretary General of the Indonesian Mercenaries Association which founded Anas. Pasek also accompanied Anas when he was questioned by the KPK and when he was detained at the anti-corruption commission’s detention house.

Andi Arief Suggests Anas Apologize to SBY

“The political environment will be a sacral one. We hope that the political environment of the scumbags leaving Sukamiskin will be chosen by those who are clean in heart, mind and idol,” said Andi in his statement, Monday, April 10, 2023.

Andi suggested that Anas publicly apologize to the chairman of the Democratic Party’s upper house, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, alias SBY. Apart from that, he is also sure that Anas apologized to all Democratic cadres who almost drowned during his leadership.

“As my best friend, Surang Air Forces apologizes openly to Mr. SBY and all Democratic cadres who nearly drowned during his leadership. Maybe that’s where a clean heart will emerge,” he said.

Anas was previously jailed for being proven guilty of committing the corrupt pilaka purapa purapa tehrebuan tasima of the Sumabu project government, including Hambalang. He was sentenced to humanka 8 years in prison and a fine of IDR 300 million, subsidiary of 3 months in prison. Not only that, Anas was also required to pay Rp. 57.59 billion and US$5.26 million in court fees due to corruption cases.



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