Sat. Oct 19th, 2024

No worse than others

The competitions, organized by the Defenders of the Homeland Foundation, took place simultaneously in six types of adapted sports. Most of the participants competed in several events, so they had little time to talk. But the veterans of the Northern Military District did not refuse to communicate with journalists, they spoke openly about themselves and shared their plans for the future. During the break between volleyball matches we met with the holder of the Order of Courage, Andrei Piminov.

– They say that the main thing is participation, not victory, but personally I came for the victory that I plan to achieve in the arm wrestling match. He also participated in sitting volleyball, table tennis and weightlifting (bench press). “Today I lifted 100 kg,” says Andrey.

He graduated from the Tyumen Higher Command Military Engineering School, became a businessman and in 2012-2014 participated in hostilities in the Caucasus. Andrei knew that at any moment they could be called up and he was not wrong. He was invited to the military registration and enlistment office in the first days of mobilization. In October 2022 he left for the Northern Military District, commanded a company of sappers, was attacked by machine guns, blown up by a mine and lost both legs.

“I didn’t worry much because I understood: no matter how much you suffer, you won’t grow legs.” Also, practically nothing has changed in my life after returning from SVO. I also work, I go to boxing training, I drive a car and my wife and I will have a daughter in December. I can do almost anything. Of course there are difficulties, but you get used to everything. “I live no worse than people with legs,” Andrey says with a smile. – Now I am the head of the mobilization department of the military registration and enlistment office of the city of Barnaul, I often have to talk with the mothers of recruits. Many people ask me why I went to SVO when I had the opportunity to “disconnect”, because at that time I did not have a residence permit and lived in another region. The answer is simple: for the sake of other boys, my classmates and friends who were sent there. I am sure that if everyone joins the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland, we will achieve our goal more quickly.

By the way, as planned, Andrey took first place in the arm wrestling competition, as well as second place in archery and third in table tennis.

Photo: Aigul Kamaeva / RG

everything is ahead

One of the youngest participants in the competition, 20-year-old Viktor Tsitser, holder of the Order of Courage of the Orenburg region, did not take prizes, although he fought tenaciously for the title of the strongest in table tennis.

While participating in the SVO, this young man accomplished a feat. He risked his own life to save his comrades.

– Since I was little I dreamed of serving in the army. In 2021 he entered military service and six months later, without notifying his parents, he signed a contract and ended up in a reconnaissance company, where he was a reconnaissance sniper,” says Víctor.

After seven months of service, his reconnaissance group was ambushed. Tsitser, covering his comrades, himself accepted the fire and was seriously wounded. In the hospital they amputated his leg. According to Víctor, the support of his family, his fiancée, his friends and the moving letters from the children who came to the hospital helped him not to become discouraged.

– I’m still living. And participating in contests is another opportunity to show that I can do a lot. It is too early to rule us out,” Víctor stressed.

Photo: Aigul Kamaeva / RG

Maxim Korlykhanov, who received the medal “For Courage” from the Belokataysky district of Bashkiria, also believes that everything is ahead of him.

– I volunteered for a special military operation at the end of October 2022 to test myself. In January he was wounded in the thigh and then amputated. I always try to stay cheerful, so I decided to move on with my life. And now, as you can see, I play volleyball with the boys, just sitting, I also competed in shooting and archery. I am glad that the employees of the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation invited me to these competitions,” Maxim shared.

If you used to play sports just to stay in shape, now you are seriously considering making a career in Paralympic sports and, perhaps, even becoming a champion.

This is exactly what the organizers of the contest were counting on. As Alexey Romanov, Hero of Russia, member of the supervisory board of the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation, noted, playing sports is one of the best ways for veterans of the Northern Military District to return to civilian life and find themselves .

– It is important that in each region the conditions are created for veterans of the Northern Military Region to practice adapted sports and involve them in the Paralympic movement. For this, it is necessary to combine the efforts of the regional branches of the fund, the branches of the Paralympic Committee and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Alexey Romanov stressed.

Photo: Aigul Kamaeva / RG

The support you need

In addition to sports competitions, within the framework of the “Defenders of the Fatherland Cup” in Ufa, a round table “Time of Heroes” was held, at which measures to support the families of the participants of the cup were discussed. SVO.

Chairman of the board of directors of the Territory of Happiness charitable foundation Karine Khabirova noted that many departments and organizations are ready to help women whose husbands and children have undergone a special operation, but they often forget to clarify what they really need. these families.

“It is difficult for them to play the role of petitioners, which is why it is so important to develop the institution of social coordinators who supervise this category of citizens,” said Karine Khabirova.

The mother of Igor Nasibulin, the commander of a tank company who died in the line of military duty, Roza Khabibzyanovna, proposed amending the legislation so that if a soldier does not have parents, his grandparents, sister or brother can be treated as equals . And the social coordinator of the regional section of the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation, Rezida Ilyasova, believes that it is necessary to provide special support to the widows of SVO participants who are left with two or more children. By the way, Rezida Ilyasova herself is the mother of 11 children, one of whom, an officer of the Northern Military District, is now in the hospital.

– The son said: “Mom, wait for me, keep living so that no one sees how you are going through. Help those who need it, support the mothers of the dead. May they forgive us for not being able to save.” your children and pray for those who are now in the Northern Military District.” I do as my son says. We, the families of SVO participants, have united, we support each other and find comfort in the good works,” stated the coordinator.

To the point

According to the results of the two-day competition of the Defenders of the Fatherland Cup, the veteran team of the Northern Military Region of Bashkortostan took first place in the medal standings. In second and third place are the Chelyabinsk and Tyumen regions.


103 veterans of the Northern Military District took part in the “Defenders of the Fatherland Cup” in Ufa.

Photo: Aigul Kamaeva / RG



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