Sat. Oct 12th, 2024

Research shows that a weighted blanket helps you relax and sleep better through deep sensory pressure (DSP). Such a product is filled with synthetic materials such as plastic, metal balls or granules, sand or buckwheat husks. Its weight ranges between 2 and 15 kg, depending on the individual characteristics of the person. Read more about this at the link.

psychologist, teacher

“As a co-organizer, I participated in one of the studies on sleeping with weighted blankets. At the same time, since the budget did not allow them to be purchased, we ourselves produced the quantity necessary for the experiment, using common blankets with metal chains sewn on them as weighting agents.”

We took this idea from our Swedish colleagues. It involved using a weighted blanket while resting at night for a month. The results of the experiment showed that the product is indeed effective for anxiety and insomnia, although this question is still considered open in the scientific community.

Photo: Kinney

Despite the fact that a weighted blanket is not at all a panacea for everyone, I myself, immediately after the results of the research, bought one and it served me for years precisely as a means of normalizing sleep. Based on my own subjective feelings, it really helped me fall asleep faster and overall improved my sleep quality.

Scientists attribute the positive effects of a weighted blanket to the production of melatonin, which regulates circadian rhythms, or to deep pressure therapy.

From a biochemical point of view, this can be explained by the fact that being under a heavy object triggers (but of course this does not mean always, for everyone and to the same extent) the same processes as other tactile events, e.g. example, hugs.

Also read:

Why do you need a weighted blanket and what filler helps you sleep better? The somnologist tells

However, there is one caveat: you get used to the product quite quickly, which is why I use it only in cases where, for example, I go to bed excited.

According to my observations, a weighted blanket can be considered one of the effective, but also auxiliary, means of sleep hygiene.

If you experience insomnia more than several times a week for a month or more, this is a reason to see a doctor. However, in many “mild” cases, sleep hygiene helps relatively quickly. It is, first of all, maintaining a sleep-wake schedule, moderate physical activity and limiting stimulants.


doctor’s opinion

Outstanding traumatologist-orthopedist, podiatrist (specialist in foot diseases)

“My colleagues have interesting experience in such a complex intersection of disciplines as psychology and somnology. I might add that the method seems harmless, but I would pay attention to some aspects.”

For example, do not cover small children with such a blanket. They are not yet so active and independent. A heavy product can put pressure on a child and they will not be able to resist it.


Blankets should be used with caution in cases where a person has breathing problems. Sleep apnea is not as rare as it seems. Additional pressure on the chest area from a heavy product can negatively affect the inhalation process. Special attention to people with acute respiratory problems such as asthma.

In addition to the above, it is worth noting that people with claustrophobia should use weighted blankets with caution. The fear of closed or confined spaces can be exacerbated by the weight of the product.

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The doctor told him how to improve sleep quality and get enough sleep without sleeping pills.

Choose the right weight for your weighted blanket. It should be easy for you to extricate yourself in case of unforeseen circumstances. Depending on the body weight, the physical shape of the body, the degree of health and the current health of the body, the weight of the blanket can always vary.

Try not to overload your body and make sure the weight of the dumbbells does not exceed 5-10% of your body weight.

If a person has been diagnosed with acute or chronic pathologies, before using a weighted blanket it is recommended to consult with specialized specialists.

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