Sat. Oct 19th, 2024

Dinar Zagitovich, what complaints do citizens most often bring to you?

Dinar Gilmutdinov: In recent months, 90 percent of complaints concerned road safety: asphalt, lack of stops, lighting and parking spaces. Apparently people still remember that I supervised these matters for 15 years, heading the state traffic inspection of the republic. Now I am the coordinator of the “Safe Roads” project of United Russia in Bashkiria. On the other hand, this is not the only area of ​​my work as a member of the Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption. For example, together with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of Bashkiria, we achieved the allocation of additional funds for the small river cleaning program. I am currently working on the construction of a new school in the village of Aksakovo, Belebeevsky district, and we plan to include this project in a program of support for rural settlements.

Residents write to me not only from our republic, but also from other regions of the country. My assistant and I receive and process between 500 and 600 requests per month. There have been many questions lately about payments to participants in special military operations.

Are there still problems with payments to SBO participants?

Dinar Gilmutdinov: Most often people wonder why a region pays its volunteers, for example, 50 thousand rubles at a time, here in Bashkiria – 200 thousand rubles, and in Moscow – a million rubles? It is clear that everything comes down to the capabilities of the subject and the size of his treasure. That is why there are many people who want to go from the capital of the country to the Northern Military District, but not everyone is accepted.

A separate group of the State Duma of the Russian Federation deals with issues related to a special military operation. We forward the pertinent complaints to you.

You have noticed that what most worries the inhabitants of the republic is road safety. How do you personally value your status? And is there any region in Russia where the roads are ideal?

Dinar Gilmutdinov: In 2006, to reduce the accident rate in the republic, it was decided to act strictly as planned: install photo and video cameras, build and repair roads, separate traffic flows and apply modern markings. I often travel around the republic and see significant changes.

Today, more than two thousand cameras are installed on the roads of Bashkiria. They discipline drivers well, especially in dangerous areas. Of course, many issues remain unresolved, for example regarding the quality of roads and the replacement of traffic signs.

On the positive side, the construction of the M12 toll highway “Moscow – Kazan – Yekaterinburg” is underway, which will pass through three districts of Bashkiria. This is a very promising project: it will help drivers significantly reduce travel time, and most importantly, citizens will have an alternative – a free road.

In addition, we are now working with Rosavtodor and federal authorities on the issue of the M-5 highway. In the Chelyabinsk region, it is being expanded to four lanes with separation of traffic flows, and the 54-kilometer section that runs through Bashkiria has not yet been designed. There is no money allocated for it. But we will surely find financing, although it will take time.

We do not yet have a region with ideal roads that meet state standards. Bashkortostan is often compared to Tatarstan, but this is incorrect. First of all, budgets are different. Secondly, the length of the roads of our republic is significantly greater than that of its neighbors: 55 thousand kilometers and 40 thousand, respectively. The relief and climatic conditions also differ. Therefore, the maintenance costs are different.

The Zininsky overpass in Ufa was ready ahead of schedule, in September, but before delivery a serious defect was discovered – a crack in the support. Now experts are trying to correct the mistake, but at the same time the city is suffocating from traffic jams. When will it be delivered?

Dinar Gilmutdinov: I agree, making a mistake when designing a multi-million dollar facility is foolish. What is even more surprising is that it was not the experts who discovered the sinking of the 15-centimetre overpass supports, but a local resident who simply filmed the defects with his phone. A criminal case has been opened. The perpetrators must be punished to the fullest extent of the law. I hope that the work on the flyover will be completed by mid-December.

Meanwhile, there are fewer traffic police inspectors on the roads. Do you think artificial intelligence will replace them?

Dinar Gilmutdinov: In 2006, when I was head of the traffic police of the republic, we had almost 3.9 thousand employees and about 800 people died every year on the roads of the republic. Currently there are almost 1.7 thousand traffic police officers and the number of accident victims has been reduced by half. I think the reason is that we strictly followed the plan, improving the quality of the roads and increasing the number of cameras and markings. In addition, more high-quality cars are on the road with airbags, ABS, etc.

Although, of course, there are not enough traffic police inspectors. The staffing problem affected the entire Interior Ministry system. Modern technologies and artificial intelligence partially save us. Little by little they are becoming an integral part of our lives.

However, we must not forget that such processes must remain under state control. For example, scammers often use Telegram channels. They also periodically write to someone on my behalf. The problem can be solved by passing a law according to which users will have to enter their passport data when registering in instant messengers and social networks. This practice exists in some countries. I’m sure we’ll get to this too. After all, with SIM cards for phones, the requirement was introduced that each number must be confirmed by the subscriber through State Services. Works.

Social networks and instant messengers are actively spreading the news about increasing fines for violating traffic rules several times. It’s false?

Dinar Gilmutdinov: There are no plans to increase the amount of fines, far from it. I think toughening the punishment will have no effect. Any sanction can be challenged in court and even won if it is proven that the road does not comply with the rules, which means that the fine will be collected from the budget. First, you need to sort the roads, markings and road signs so that they meet the requirements. Then it will be possible to toughen penalties for violations.

We must teach people to respect traffic rules by educating the younger generations and increasing civic responsibility. Unfortunately, many people still believe that reporting, for example, a drunk driver to the police is “snitching.” But behind the wheel there is a potential murderer, and his victims could be innocent people, including relatives of those who did not dare to denounce the criminal. By the way, the police have now started actively using the Telegram chat to search for the latter, which any citizen can contact.

Key question

Tell us about the deputy’s legislative work. What are the priority issues today?

Dinar Gilmutdinov: We work to make citizens’ lives more comfortable. For example, recently a bill on the registration of a car without a compulsory civil liability insurance policy was approved in first reading (it will not be necessary to submit it). The bill also provides that the seller will have the possibility of deregistering the vehicle on the day of sale if the purchase and sale contract is drawn up through the State Services or before a notary. Therefore, the previous owner will be protected from receiving fines for violations by the new owner while he re-registers the car.

But the priority remains two main blocks: the SVO and economic support. We pass laws in these areas literally in a few days. And, as you see, despite the difficulties and sanctions, the situation in the country is improving. We continue to actively build roads, hospitals, kindergartens, ships, nuclear submarines and modern aircraft. In our case, a brake in the form of sanctions, on the contrary, helps the country to reach a new level of development.



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