Sun. Sep 29th, 2024

39% spend up to 500 rubles, 12% spend more than 800 rubles a month. These data are contained in a study conducted by the Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ingosstrakh company.

It turned out that 71.1% of Russians living in apartments and 82.2% of residents in private homes have at least one pet (the survey was conducted in 37 large cities). There are more cat owners (58.8%) than dog owners (41.5%). Only 3.8% of Russians prefer domestic rodents such as rats, mice, hamsters or guinea pigs. In the country there are slightly fewer bird lovers, specifically parrots or ornamental birds: 3.2%. 1.9% of those surveyed keep aquariums with fish. In last place in terms of preferences are turtles and reptiles (0.9%).

“The majority of cat owners live in Kirov (81%), Moscow (78%), Nizhny Novgorod (75%), Togliatti (75%), Izhevsk (74%), Yekaterinburg (73%) and Yaroslavl (72%). %). “A significant part of dog lovers lives in Yaroslavl (59%), Voronezh (55%), Yekaterinburg (54%) and Ryazan (53%),” said Alexey Zubets, director of the Institute of Socio-economic Problems of the Financial Department. . University dependent on the Government of the Russian Federation, in Rossiyskaya Gazeta. .

The most popular cat breeds are Scottish Fold (18.3%), British (11.7%), Maine Coon (10.3%), Sphynx (8.3%) and Bengal (6.2%). Curiously, the Russian Blue (1.6%), the Kurilian Bobtail (1.1%) and the Egyptian breed close the list of feline preferences of Russians. The undisputed leader in popularity among dogs was the German shepherd (16.9%). In second place are bulldogs (11.1%) and in the top five are small dogs such as chihuahua (8.9%), corgis (8%) and spitz (7.5%). The less common lapdogs (1.1%), chow chow (0.9%) and Central Asian Shepherd (0.4%).

As a general rule, the initiator of buying a cat is the children (57.8%), and much less the wife (21.7%) or the husband (10.8%). In most cases, an animal is received as a gift by friends and family (31.7%), one in four people bought a pet (23.3%) and one in six people surveyed (15%) receives a shelter pet.

Russians, as a rule, treat their pets quite responsibly. At least you visit the vets regularly. In most cases, this is done by residents of Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Tatarstan and the Novosibirsk region.

Recently, advances in human medicine have begun to permeate veterinary medicine. If owners cannot travel to see a doctor, online consultations can be used for animals, which operate on a similar model to telemedicine for humans. “During the Covid outbreak, animal owners had problems getting veterinary care. That’s when televeterinary medicine began to spread. An animal owner can receive advice from a qualified specialist via call or video,” says Anastasia Skurikhina, acting director of the VHI department of Ingosstrakh.

According to expert estimates, there are currently up to 40 million domestic animals in Russia. And their rights are more protected every year. So, let us remember that in the summer of this year a law was signed that introduces a series of serious fines: up to 300,000 rubles. for animals thrown into the street – up to 100,000 rubles. – for cruel treatment. In addition, for cruelty and killing an animal you can receive a real prison sentence: up to 5 years in prison. Now the deputies intend to go further and ensure that animal rights defenders appear both in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and in regional public chambers. One of the authors of such an initiative is the head of the Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Yaroslav Nilov.



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