Sat. Oct 12th, 2024

Bastrykin noted in his speech that the Constitution of Russia should not only reflect the primacy of internal laws over external ones, but also identify the state ideology.

Photo: Vladimir VELENGURIN

The head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, in his speech at the XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Derzhavin Readings”, recalled that in the new edition of the Russian Constitution it is necessary to establish that national law should not be inferior to international law. law.

“What is happening now? National law exists, but international law is practically destroyed. And every year this process of collapse is increasing in scale. What is the current value of the decisions of the UN and the Council of Security, on what basis, on what norms of international law are the collective sanctions of the West applied to us? There is no such reason. National law should at least not be inferior to international law, and this should be enshrined in the new version of our Constitution ”, stated the head of the investigative committee, and suggested continuing “slowly” the work on the Russian Constitution.

It’s strange that this hasn’t been done yet. It’s about time: Russian citizens will definitely not lose anything from this, since, according to the promises of the West, they will remain under sanctions. This means that our country should not take into account the interests of international organizations and courts.

Bastrykin noted in his speech that the Russian Constitution should not only reflect the primacy of internal laws over external ones, but also identify the state ideology.

This is what the head of the Russian Investigative Committee said verbatim: “There cannot be a society without ideology, these are the elementary concepts of state and law. A special military operation is currently being carried out and one of the goals of the Northern Military District is the denazification of Ukraine, that is, the destruction of the ideology of fascism. One of the tasks of the SVO is being solved today, so I propose to seriously think about it. Taking into account our historical society, taking into account the modern realities in which we live, thinking about the development prospects of our society, it is still necessary to formulate the ideology of our society, our goals and enshrine them in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. “

By the way, it would be good if the Russian Investigative Committee not only worked calmly with the new text of the Russian Constitution, but also with the Gaidar team that prepared the first one in 1993. Otherwise, its authors will continue to impose an obsolete ideology to Russian students in their classes.



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