Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Date: December 21, 2023 Time: 16:42:34

Bankinter shares experienced a slight rise of 0.9%, to 5.9 euros per share, after the changes at the top. The entity has announced the transition of the CEO, María Dolores Dancausa, to the non-executive presidency, replacing Pedro Guerrero, who has requested voluntary resignation. In this way, Dancausa will hand over the baton next March to the current head of retail banking, Gloria Ortiz.

In addition to the change in the bank’s management, Bankinter announced yesterday that it will pay its shareholders on December 29 a dividend of 0.142 gross euros per share, which will be the third on account of the results it obtains in 2023. The news has been received with modest gains for this stock, being the third most appreciated behind Solaria (+0.73%) and CaixaBank (+0.81%). The entity has accumulated a drop of 5.5% in the year, being together with Unicaja Banco the two Ibex 35 firms that fell this year.

The appointments have been approved following a favorable report from the sustainability and appointments committee and will become effective on March 21, when the general meeting of shareholders takes place. In addition, the bank has begun the process of evaluating the suitability of the candidates by the European Central Bank (ECB). Recently, the Frankfurt-based organization has informed Bankinter that by 2024 it must comply with minimum capital requirements slightly above those required for 2023.

According to the bank, the ECB has informed it that its risk profile “remains unchanged” compared to previous years, which places it in the group of Spanish and European entities with a lower capital requirement. For 2024, the ECB requires the bank to have a CET1 capital level, the highest quality, of 7.802%, above the 7.726% required for 2023. The minimum total capital ratio for the entity will be 11.91%, compared to the 11.79% that was requested in 2023.



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