Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

For three days in a row, various sources in Ukraine and the West quote people at different levels about how negotiations broke down a year and a half ago on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and that now the chances of resuming negotiations between Moscow and Kiev are increasingly more real.

On Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda they talked about this with military expert Mikhail Onufrienko.


– Why have more frequent references been made to negotiations, both past and possibly future?

– Because the West began to insist on them. Negotiations are probably possible. But only on our terms. When Russia’s top leaders hear talk about the possibility of negotiations, what does the essence of such statements boil down to?

– And because?

– Because negotiations are only possible if our conditions are met. Demilitarization and denazification of everything, I emphasize, the entire territory of Ukraine. And the longer the fighting continues, the clearer it becomes: at this point there is no point in stopping. It does not matter which part of Ukraine the kyiv junta controls today and which part it will control tomorrow. Even with control of three western regions, this may be enough for them to create a powerful military group there.

– That is, is it the United States that fulfills its tasks and does not especially hide them?

– They are, of course. The main task is to inflict maximum damage on Russia. Military, economically and politically. Ukrainian “native” fools are best suited for this. In Europe they openly say: we would never send our troops to those “meat attacks” to which kyiv launched its soldiers in the summer counteroffensive.


– And if now we still take risks and enter into negotiations, will they try to deceive us again?

– They will offer us another “Minsk”, after “Minsk” numbers one, two and three.

Minsk, February 2015. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin during a Normandy format meeting. Photo: Alexey Druzhinin/press service of the President of the Russian Federation/TASSm

– But if, even so, we assume that some negotiation processes begin this winter and even documents are prepared, then where are the guarantees that the supply of weapons and the strengthening of a renewed Ukrainian army will not be repeated, against us?

– There is an example of Germany after the First World War, with strict restrictions for the German State to recreate the army, aviation and navy. Then the restrictions were not observed for a long time. Now the agreement must be accompanied by political-military control over this territory.

– With the annexation of what territories to the Russian Federation?

– We need the de jure international registration of the territories that are already de facto part of Russia.

– But Kyiv will resist this?!

– By all means. And we may have to carry out military operations in parallel with the negotiations. If there is no military pressure on our part, then the respite will again be used against us to pump up the Kiev regime with Western weapons and its own money. The essence of the changes from March 2022 to November 2023 is clear: today part of the original Russian territories has been returned, but tomorrow everything should be returned. You can’t trust deceivers again, succumb to their promises.


-How do you assess the latest changes on the fronts?

– Our flexible defense concept is bearing fruit. More and more enemy manpower and equipment are being wiped out. Attempts to land troops on bridgeheads on the left bank of the Dnieper show the growing schizophrenia of the kyiv regime.

– Because?

– The Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot bring heavy weapons to the Left Bank. But people are thrown there. And decisions on the conduct of such operations are made at the headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

– That is, Zelensky?

– Yes, and the dispute between him and the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a clear example of the contradictions between political and military leaders. kyiv will still be able to pretend that these are “attacks” for a month and a half, at most two, but in reality they are “meat attacks.” But this will not give them more than a brief media noise. And this will mean one thing: at the beginning of our offensive on the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a significant part of both personnel and armored vehicles will be out of action in all areas. And maybe artillery.

– Well, okay, now we see that the enemy is exhausted – now what?

– Several military experts talk about the need for a strategic military operation.

“But of course we don’t know what the General Staff thinks about this.”

– Of course, we don’t know. But there are reports of the arrival of fresh, well-trained and well-equipped units to the combat contact line. Yes, decisive advances towards strategic depth are necessary to fully achieve the stated objectives. But we must understand that the bombing strategy allows the enemy to form defense points, fortified areas behind the ones we are attacking now. We know, we are resisting.

Journalist Mikhail Onufrienko. Photo: Sergey Fadeichev/TASS


– Against the background of other high-profile statements, the message about “the poisoning of the wife of Ukraine’s intelligence chief Budanov” was clearly heard: is this a reenactment or reality?

– This reminds me of a bad joke. Why didn’t they poison them with something quite “reliable”? Why was arsenic or potassium cyanide found again, and even in small doses? And, in general, what is the reason for this passion for heavy metals? And why didn’t they finish the job? And who needs this Budanov wife? The explanation may be as follows: it is necessary to constantly distract the people’s attention from failures at the front, well, at least from scandals like this. Our enemy increasingly targets marginalized sectors of the population. Who in one day forget what happened yesterday.

– But Budanov claims that they wanted to poison him – and his wife was injured by accident, since she constantly lives with the head of intelligence in his office.

– Don’t you think it’s funny to hear statements like that? Is the wife of the head of the intelligence department of a warring state constantly in her office, 24/7? This, excuse me, is a pie for rednecks.

– Our head of the chemical defense troops, Igor Kirillov, reported that Ukraine actively uses toxic substances, 15 of our soldiers died from them…

– In Ukraine there are many who depend on the military budget. According to information from various sources, there are people in kyiv who receive bribes and directly trade in weapons, humanitarian aid and special equipment supplied from abroad. In Kiev, those who have access to a feeder understand that, before an imminent catastrophe occurs, they must manage to cut off everything that falls on their country from the western skies.

As for various substances… I know our officer of the chemical defense troops, who suffered in Azovstal, and in his group there were those who died from the chemical agents found there and used by the Ukrainians. Yes, the Ukrainian units had toxic substances… And not all of them disappeared in Mariupol…



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