Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

The Perm Congress of Jurists is the main event for the legal community of the Kama region, as it provides the opportunity for professional communication at the highest level for all those who are in one way or another related to law. The forum has long become a reference point for practicing scientists and lawyers and therefore invariably attracts the most authoritative speakers, specializing in various areas of law.

Now the organizers of the congress could not ignore several commemorative events of this year: the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the 20th anniversary of the referendum on the formation of the Perm Territory, the 300th anniversary of Perm. This was emphasized by the governor of the Kama region, Dmitri Makhonin, during the opening of the forum.

“The Congress of Legal Scientists made October the month of jurisprudence, when the best minds of Perm discuss the most relevant and urgent issues,” he said. – The current congress is dedicated to national sovereignty, to the uniqueness of Russian federalism, and for us this is a more than relevant issue. We remember very well that the Constitution, the fundamental law of our country, is 30 years old. Furthermore, the region was precisely the driving force of change from the point of view of the administrative structure. I mean the formation of the Perm Territory through the unification of the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug and the Perm Region; A referendum on this issue was held 20 years ago, which was the first experience of its kind in Russia. And, of course, we remember the date of the third round – the 300th anniversary of Perm, so the current congress is held within the framework of events dedicated to this memorable date.

On the first day of the forum, a plenary session was held, reports were presented on Russian federalism, priority tasks and prospects of Russian legislation and legal sciences, trends in the development of legislation in the field of supporting society civil at the current stage.

One of the already traditional events of the congress was the presentation of the next book by the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Legislation and State Construction, the co-chairman of the Russian Bar Association, the Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation , the honorary professor of Perm. National State Research University, Doctor of Law, Pavel Krasheninnikov.

He presented his new work “Condemned dreamers. Four provisional governments or why the revolution was inevitable.” He examines the period from February to October 1917, probably the least studied moment of the revolutionary era. Pavel Krasheninnikov decided to correct this historical injustice and, with the scrupulousness of a scientist, studied the rule of law at the stage of revolutionary uprisings.

According to the author, the period from February to October 1917 became one of the most tragic in the history of Russia, a time of collapse of the dream of a liberal and democratic society, the consequences of which are felt to this day. And the set of events of 1917-1922 made it possible to call this era with the broad and formidable phrase “The Great Russian Revolution.”

Pavel Krasheninnikov, speaking at the plenary session, noted that jurists who are actually engaged in all kinds of activities related to jurisprudence are represented at the congress.

“This includes science, education and the judicial process; there are colleagues from the Ministry of the Interior, investigative bodies, prosecutors, justice, federal and regional authorities,” said the chairman of the Duma committee. state. – It seems to me that it is very important that we exchange opinions and impressions, discuss some projects, find ways to solve certain problems.

The congress brought together jurists specialized in various areas of Russian and international law. Photo: Congress Organizing Committee

And, of course, we will take the opportunity to discuss the practice of basic law in different conditions. There are obvious and complex challenges, a special military operation is underway, new regions have emerged, and there are many questions about their entry into the economic and legal space of modern Russia. For us lawyers, this is close to the topic of the day.

The second day of the congress took place in different venues. The central event was the final annual preview session of the permanent discussion platform “Legal basis for the functioning of the Russian sovereign economy: material and procedural aspects of regulatory regulation and the main trends in the development of the economic justice system.”

The debate took place in Demidkovo and was moderated by the vice-president of the organizing committee of the congress, doctor of law, Professor Valery Golubtsov, and the chairman of the Court of Intellectual Rights, head of the Department of Intellectual Rights of Kutafin, Moscow State of Law. University, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor Lyudmila Novoselova.

In their reports, prominent lawyers highlighted such important issues for society as certain areas of activity of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, issues related to the arbitration process and other problems. They noted that the foresight session is a unique format that runs throughout the calendar year and brings together speakers, experts and presenters, starting with judges of the highest courts, representatives of the judicial community, legislative and executive authorities, academic scientists and ending with members of the student scientific society.

Within the framework of the congress, current problems of legal regulation of the modern Russian economy were discussed. For more than 10 years, this forecasting session has been organized by the Department of Commercial Law, Civil Procedure and Arbitration of the Perm State National Research University together with the civil law departments of the country’s leading law universities : the Institute of State Law and Law. the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Kutafin Moscow State University and the Yakovlev Ural State University of Law.

During the Perm Congress of Jurists, numerous round tables, expert platforms and debates were held dedicated to a variety of issues of legal theory and practice, including “International law in search of new forms: integration, polarization, models of cooperation”, “Implementation of constitutional guarantees” rights to work and social security: problems of theory and practice”, “Practice of using alternative methods of conflict resolution (arbitration and conciliation procedures – mediation, judicial conciliation)”.

The Vice President of the Congress Organizing Committee, Doctor of Law, Professor Valery Golubtsov, summarized at the end of the forum:

– The year of Perm’s 300th anniversary is special for each of its inhabitants and for all people related to it. This is a unique city with a unique and great history. And, of course, each of us, the Permians, due to our abilities, professional skills, abilities and organizational capabilities, wanted to support the regional authorities in the good cause of presenting all the results, perspectives, ideas and opportunities that our city has provided. and it is giving us. The Congress has existed since 2010, its next session was held within the framework of festive events. This is a great honor for us. Moreover, the lawyers did not have to invent anything: there are anniversary dates of both the Russian stopover and Perm with an obvious Russian stopover. We are glad to once again welcome our eminent guests, colleagues and friends to Perm and we are sure that in the current configuration, with memorable dates, the congress gave not only the expected professional result, but also a unique human effect.

Direct speech

Lyudmila Novoselova, Head of the Department of Intellectual Rights of Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor:

– This is not the first year that I have participated in this forum and I think that, most likely, I belong to a very small group of people who have been participating in it almost since its inception. For me it has already become part of life. Over the years, various topics have been debated at the congress and are still being debated. But it should be noted that the general direction of the discussion is how numerous changes in the economy associated with digitalization, for example, affect life and law. It seems to me that our discussions really provide an opportunity to do something so useful, relevant and right now!



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