Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Let me note that the month also broke the record for precipitation. As of Thursday, 53.7 mm of precipitation fell, or 108 percent of the monthly norm. According to information from the municipal services complex, up to 13 thousand roofers go out to clean inclined roofs after snowfalls and 250 lifts help them. In addition, not everyone manages to remove them in time.

Many rooftops now look like “alpine mountains.” Two avalanches fell from the roof of my house on Pravda Street, on 7/9, Thursday morning. The first, early in the morning, buried a car parked near the wall of the house. The second avalanche, shortly after, broke pieces of the metal fence on the roof, broken by the first snowfall. It’s a good thing there was no one downstairs.

Two days earlier, utility workers warned about cleaning the roof. And there were even traces of his work. What’s happening? As Alexander Meshcheryakov, director of the state budgetary institution “Zhilishchnik” of the Begovoy district, told RG, this is the fault of the residents themselves.

“They don’t read our ads. And we can’t remove the snow if private vehicles have not been removed around the perimeter of the building. Where there were no cars downstairs, they have been removed. In other places we are waiting for vehicles to be removed,” says Alexander Meshcheryakov.

In recent days, social networks have been filled with mutual reproaches between Muscovites and public service workers. There are several cases. Meanwhile, in the capital there are more than 12 thousand buildings with sloping roofs on which snow accumulates. Is it really impossible to find a way to prevent snow from forming? As Konstantin Krokhin, lawyer and president of the Moscow Union of Housing Organizations, told RG, there are methods, but they are too expensive to use.

“One of them is laying electric cables along the roof, which helps the fallen snow to melt and pass through special gutters. This way, icicles and snowdrifts do not form on the roofs,” says Krokhin. “In Moscow there are houses with this type of construction.” “In systems, but these technologies are rarely used by anyone, the reason is the high cost of operation.”

The specialist is confident that climate warming will cause changes in the capital’s urban policy. They will stop building houses higher than three stories with a large number of protruding parts in which snow accumulates.

“High-rise residential buildings should have flat roofs, without protruding balconies or ebbs,” Krokhin continues. “This is the only method. Northern European countries with a similar climate have followed this path. Nobody with shovels climbs to the level of 7 to 9 floors, it is snowing. There it goes into the storm drain.”

As for the old housing stock, Krokhin warned that during the renovation we will try to do an experiment, introducing new snow removal technologies, of course, if the residents support the initiative and are willing to pay for the additional kilowatts. The press service of the reform fund has not yet responded to this initiative.

Meanwhile, as meteorologist Tatyana Pozdnyakova predicts, the weather will continue to play tricks. On Saturday, a new Atlantic cyclone will cover Moscow with heavy snowfall and very low atmospheric pressure, and on Sunday new frosts will hit…



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