Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) came to the negotiating table for the first time on Friday since the union went on strike in early May.

However, negotiations stalled after the AMPTP counter-proposaled the Writers Guild’s requests.

“Your negotiating committee received a counterproposal from the AMPTP today. We will evaluate your offer and, after deliberation, return with a response from the WGA next week,” the federation said in a statement. message to your members Friday.

Hollywood writers and actors are on strike for better pay and working conditions, the first time the two groups have struck together since the 1960s. Key demands from the writers include guarantees the AI will have limited functionality, pay for remaining streaming shows and will increase the number. From the writers who work on the shows.

“Sometimes more progress can be made in negotiations when they are conducted without a detailed description of each side’s moves and a subsequent general dissection of the meaning of the moves,” the union said.

They added, “This will be our approach, at least for now, until there is something significant to report, or unless management uses media or industry alternatives to try to influence the narrative.”

AMPTP invited WGA leaders to speak last week, but the meeting fell through.

Writers’ and actors’ strikes paralyze Hollywood. More than 11,000 WGA members are on strike across the country, and it is now the longest strike in WGA history.

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Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass supported the striking workers but encouraged the two sides to reach an agreement to improve the city.

“The impact has rippled across all corners of Los Angeles – from writers and actors on picket lines trying to survive to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table, to businesses that rely on the entertainment industry.” he said in a statement. statement last week.

“The economics of the entertainment industry are changing – and we must react and evolve to meet this challenge,” added Bass. “It is critical that this issue be resolved immediately to get Los Angeles back on track and I am ready to personally engage with all stakeholders in any way I can to help make that happen.”

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