Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Date: December 25, 2023 Time: 13:00:13

The agency is participating in an experiment that should reduce border inspection time for rail freight. Now inspection of goods is carried out in the capital of the Middle Urals, closer to the destination. One of the first to be inspected was a batch of wheels with rims.

Four 27-ton containers, each with approximately 3.5 thousand wheels, were traveling to the Urals from China through the Chita customs checkpoint in Zabaikalsk, but were only checked in Yekaterinburg. Then they will turn to the client, a trading company in Perm.

“Improving and accelerating customs control is the main priority of our work. Therefore, the Federal Customs Service of Russia decided to conduct an experiment: goods arriving at railway checkpoints are subject to the customs transit regime. The procedures necessary are already being carried out at delivery points. This will reduce queues at the border and evenly distribute the number of tasks of the country’s customs authorities. This means that the load on the border infrastructure will be reduced and will reduce the time of customs control,” said The head of the Ural Customs Department, Alexey Frolov, explained the innovation.

The next shipment from China, two 85-ton containers, is already on its way.

Customs officials say that if the experiment is successful, the new control format will become the main one for rail cargo.



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