Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

This Sunday, King Felipe VI focused his traditional Christmas message on a clear call to defend the Spanish Constitution, on the 45th anniversary of its promulgation, as a guarantee of the model of life that we Spaniards have given ourselves since then and that does not s has allowed us to express ourselves freely, have an education, achieve employment or protection from illness, or also “access housing, start a family, have social assistance or have a decent retirement.” The monarch recalled that it was the constitution that allowed us to overcome the crisis of a divided Spain almost five decades ago – “the cause of many errors in our history”, he admitted -, so that, now, “to prevent the germ of discord settles among us is a moral duty that we all have. Because we can’t afford it.”

Felipe VI wanted to praise this year this other dimension of the Constitution as an essential instrument for understanding the lives of Spaniards, so that it can continue to flow with confidence, stability and certainty, “so that we can freely enjoy a life in which each one. “one -with his circumstances- can see his legitimate expectations, ambitions, projects and needs reasonably satisfied.”

The King began his speech with a clear allusion to the economic and social problems that plague Spanish society, like every year, but from the beginning of his speech he made it clear that this Christmas he wanted to focus on other issues that have a lot to do with . with the development of our collective life. “It is the Constitution and Spain that I want to refer to,” he stated. After recalling that the Magna Carta is the best example of union and coexistence among Spaniards and admitting that in Spain everyone has the right to express themselves and defend their ideas in freedom, he warned that “democracy also requires basic and broad consensus to “that is the principles that we have shared and that have united us for several generations.”

For everything to proceed along the lines it has followed until now, within the Constitution, Felipe VI has warned that it is necessary that we respect its reason for being as a collective pact, as well as its integrity and identity. “Outside respect for the Constitution, democracy and coexistence are not possible; there are no freedoms, but imposition; There is no law, but arbitrariness. Outside of the Constitution there is no Spain in peace and freedom,” the monarch pointed out forcefully.

unity above all

In addition to this Social and Vital Dimension of the Constitution, Felipe VI Wanted to Complement His Christmas Message of This Cerraada of the Unity of Spain, As a Shared Vision That “Recognizes the Right of Everyone to Feel and Be Respected in their own personality and in your culture; with their languages, traditions and institutions.” In this unity, the King warns that it is essential to maintain the solid ties that unite the State with the Autonomous Communities, “and in solidarity between all of them.”

The idea of ​​a united Spain is also conveyed by Felipe VI in his speech to the institutions that make up the structure of Spain, including the Monarchy itself. “Each institution, starting with the King, must place itself in the place that constitutionally corresponds to it, exercise the functions attributed to it and comply with the obligations and duties that the Constitution indicates,” explained the monarch.

The intervention of Felipe VI this Christmas of 2023 ended, as a summary, remembering what he already said a few weeks ago in the Cortes Generales, the obligation that all Spaniards have to guarantee the young generations the legacy of “a respected Spain ”. , of a beloved Nation, in which they can continue to develop their lives freely, safely in an environment of stability and trust.”



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