Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The decision to support Vladimir Putin’s candidacy was made unanimously. A total of 192 delegates voted.

During the congress, the party president read Vladimir Putin’s speech to the delegates, in which the Head of State expressed “sincere gratitude for the support” and noted that he looked forward to “continuing a constructive dialogue for the benefit of Russia and our people “. .”

“Spravorossy” previously stated that they intended to nominate the country’s current leader for the upcoming elections, and after Putin decided to nominate himself, the SRZP supported him. Representatives of the party will participate in the collection of signatures, focusing on those regions where the governors are communists and representatives of the LDPR.

In addition, the SRPP will send a proposal to the electoral program of the candidate it approves. They collected ideas, including those “from the people”, on the SRZP website. And the collection continues. As Sergei Mironov reported to RG, the initiatives will be sent to Putin’s electoral headquarters and the party hopes to take them into account.

Mironov also said that party supporters would be part of the candidate’s headquarters in the regions.

“Speculations that the party admitted its impotence in supporting Putin are not justified,” the party leader said in his speech at the congress: “We do not renounce our positions one bit.”

He stressed that such a decision was carefully thought out and dictated by the international situation. In addition, party members pay tribute to the personal and professional qualities of the Russian leader.

The party has formulated a series of quite radical proposals for Vladimir Putin’s electoral program.

The main thing for the SDSR is the formation of Russia as a social state.

In particular, party members oppose the high key rate. This causes an increase in the cost of borrowing and reduces economic growth by one percent, Mironov explained. “We propose to include in the presidential program a clause on the responsibility of the Central Bank in the policy of stimulating economic growth,” he added.

The next proposal is to reduce VAT on socially significant goods from 10 to 5 percent. Also on the list of ideas is the transfer under state control of all assets registered in offshore companies located in the country. And if the owners refuse to re-register them within six months, the assets must be confiscated in favor of the State. “Stop pandering to the offshore aristocracy living in the West and treating Russia as a source of income,” Mironov explained.

Furthermore, SRZP proposes to create a ministry or agency in the field of demographic policy within the government. This is relevant due to population decline.

The list includes the introduction of a progressive scale for maternity capital payments. If the initiative is implemented, the emphasis will shift to promoting large families, because it now focuses on first-born children, the authors of the idea believe.

In addition, the “Spravoross” propose to create a state alimony fund (they will pay from it during the period of searching for the alimony evader).

In the pension sector, it is proposed, in particular, to return indexation to working pensioners (Mironov explained that now several million of these experienced workers have gone “into the shadows”, and their return to a “white” salary is beneficial to the state).

Among the social initiatives, the idea of ​​​​eliminating wage inequality also stands out: management income should not exceed the average salary of ordinary employees by more than eight times.

Also on the list is introducing loans to the needy at 2-3 percent per year and setting a minimum area for apartments in new buildings (currently the minimum for an apartment is 6 square meters).

A series of proposals concern the tightening of immigration policy, including the introduction of a visa regime with the countries of Central Asia, as well as the deportation of the entire migrant family if one of its members has violated the law.

And, finally, it is proposed to equate the “cut” of public funds with betrayal.



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