Tue. Sep 24th, 2024

A novel about Soviet childhood, “The Alchemist”, in an unexpected format. And 5 more winter book releases.

Oksana Potapova December 23, 2023, 1:15 PM Moscow time Audio version: Your browser does not support the audio element.

Here you will find works of different genres for all tastes.

In our review: a collection of comics about creative industries, a book by an astrobiologist about the structure of the universe, a nostalgic novel by Yuri Polyakov and other exciting stories.

In the previous article we looked for a selection for lovers of Asian literature:

Worth reading: 7 books by Asian authors who became hits in their homeland

“Immersion in comics”

A collection of 14 comics awaits you, where young professionals talk about their points of view on daily work in the creative industries. The book includes a bonus chapter from young adult literature star Medina Mirai’s manga, “Synthonyms.” The work of fashion designers, editors and illustrators is sudden and sometimes full of dangerous surprises. The authors, with humor and creative sensitivity, ensure that in behind-the-scenes professions there is no time to get bored and the work is very interesting.

Photo: eksmo

Francisco Uskanga Meinecke, “Coffee on the Volcano. “The cultural life of interwar Berlin”

The work of the Spanish historian will immerse the reader in the atmosphere of Berlin life between the two world wars. The author relies on official documents, memoirs and diaries of the bohemian society of the time. The study focuses on the iconic Café Románico, which became the epicenter of the beginning of Nazism, an event that marked the greatest catastrophe of the 20th century.

Under the shadow of advancing fascism, Berlin’s cultural prosperity is gradually being consumed. The café brought together the best minds of the time, including Bertolt Brecht, Elsa Lasker-Schüler, Otto Dix, Kurt Tucholsky and many others.

Photo: eksmo

Mikhail Shevchenko, “Moon. Observing the most familiar and incredible celestial object”

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, member of the Moscow Union of Journalists, popularizer of astronomy Mikhail Shevchenko in his work shares fascinating facts about the Moon and its influence on the Earth. What does the hidden side of the Moon hide? How are tides and earthquakes related? How do lunar eclipses occur? How is the Moon related to the hare? How does our satellite get its own terminator? These and other questions can be answered in this book.

Photo: eksmo

Yuri Poliakov, “Sovdetstvo. Prisoner of the Fifth Breakwater”

The writer continues his journey through the waves of memory. We find ourselves again in the Soviet past and, together with young Yura, go on vacation to New Athos. He is waiting for a meeting with the charming Zoya with a Mireille Mathieu haircut, new friends and a tough test that they have invented for the boy from Moscow. While he prepares for the “test” in the underwater labyrinth of the fifth breakwater, the hero does not even suspect what moral test fate will bring him.

Photo: eksmo

Paulo Coelho, “The Alchemist” (Chinese manhua)

The parable of a young shepherd named Santiago, who set out to wander the world in search of his happiness, has become one of the most popular books in the world. Its total circulation exceeds 150,000,000 copies. The adaptation of the cult bestseller in manhua format, the Chinese manga, is packed with exquisite illustrations created by a team of young and talented professionals. A magical journey in search of dreams, love and friendship for lovers of philosophical prose and graphic novels.

Photo: eksmo

Daria Bobyleva, “The store is open until dusk”

The author immerses the reader in an atmosphere of dark mysticism and unexpected events. In search of a job, an older loser, Slavik, walks into the strangest antique store in the world. The fabric of everyday life stretches and tears, someone looks through the holes and the burning points of the eyes have already noticed the main character. Perhaps he is to blame for this: a store that is open until dark.

Photo: eksmo

Marcus Aurelius, “Alone with himself: reflections = ta eis heauton”

The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus rightly earned the nickname Philosopher on the Throne. An astute observer, gifted with rare intuition, he preached humility and asceticism. His ethical views, thoughts about the meaning of life, ideas about the mind, the soul and what a person should do in daily life influenced the philosophy, politics and social sciences of generations. later.

Photo: eksmo

Find books for those who want to learn to control themselves here:

For all occasions. 7 books that will turn you into a self-control guru

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