Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

This follows from the draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on changes to the current rules on conducting examinations and issuing licenses, which was published on the portal. The experts analyzed the new document in detail. All the changes published by the press service of the Ministry of the Interior are just the tip of the iceberg.

Yes, those who do not have the right to drive vehicles of other categories and subcategories, if we are talking about buses, will not be able to take the licensing exam. Likewise, those accused of driving while intoxicated or who have not met the requirements to undergo a medical examination for drunkenness will not be admitted. In addition, those citizens in respect of whom the military commissariat applied temporary measures aimed at ensuring that these people appear on the agenda of the military commissariat will not be able to take the exams and will not receive the right.

All this is established by laws, and the regulations are simply adapted to them.

But there are other nuances. In particular, a driver candidate will not even be able to pass the driving test if the driving school has not received a conclusion or a material and technical basis from the traffic police. Poor me. If the driving school does not have a permit, the story is the same. This candidate will simply be denied services. Those in respect of whom military commissariats have applied temporary measures aimed at guaranteeing the appearance of these persons at the summons will not be able to take the exams and will not be able to exchange their licenses.

As Tatyana Shutyleva, president of the Interregional Association of Driving Schools, told an RG correspondent, it is now stipulated that a “driving teacher”, and not an inspector, can sit in the front seat of the car, that is, in the additional seat. pedals. But provided that the examiner, that is, the inspector, sees the actions of both the candidate and the teacher from the back seat.

Let’s move forward a little. A new government decree on conducting exams has already been prepared. Thus, according to him, all vehicles in which driving license exams are carried out must be equipped with light and sound alarms that indicate the use of the reverse pedals. The adoption of this regulatory act is expected literally in the coming days.

This will eliminate the problem of who is responsible for an accident where the candidate driver is at fault. The fact is that the candidate is not yet a driver. But the driver is considered a driver in training. And in the case of passing the exam, when the inspector is sitting on the pedals, there is actually no driver. Thus, the new regulations solve this problem.

The requirements for some exercises have been changed. In particular, the turning radius in confined spaces has increased from 5 to 7 meters. It was impossible for a medium-sized car to fit within five meters.

The exercise for motorcyclists has also been modified. They refused to back up into a parking lot, garage or anywhere else. As the director of the motorcycling school “Nevalyashka.PRO” Dmitry Smokin explained, this exercise should have been canceled a long time ago. From a security point of view, it contributes nothing.

It is true that it was replaced by a walk on a board measuring 10 meters long and 25 cm wide, but, according to Dmitri, this exercise, which existed ten years ago, is also not effective. There must be other exercises, other approaches for motorcyclists, since they are not tested on the road.



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