Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

The unions’ criticism of the Government for ignoring social dialogue, in some of the decisions adopted in labor matters this week, is supported by the alleged abuse of the figure of the Royal Decree-Law. Workers’ Commissions (CCOO) has filed a formal complaint with the Secretary of State for Public Function for the approval of the Royal Decree that regulates the evaluation of the work of officials “outside of social dialogue”, and that also affects other related matters. to permits and conciliation rights. Specifically, from this instant union force to the Ministry of Finance and Public Function headed by Minister María Jesús Montero to “urgently” resume the culmination of the so-called Framework Agreement for a 21st Century Administration signed in 2022 by the Workers’ Commissions itself. . and UGT.

From the Workers’ Commissions they argue that the fact that this norm required “a certain urgency” in its processing to comply with the commitments included in the Recovery Plan “is no excuse for not having been the subject of negotiation in the area of ​​social dialogue of the Administration Publish.”

The reform approved last Tuesday by the Council of Ministers includes issues as diverse as permits and conciliation rights, as well as the Public Service Law, “without having been previously addressed by the social dialogue table with the unions that signed the Mar Agreement. “. co for a 21st century Administration, still pending its development,” this union reproaches.

For the union, we urge to close the deployment of the Framework Agreement in matters as important as professional reclassification, including the obligation to adapt the professional classification to the Spanish (MECES) and European Qualifications Framework (EQF), as well as partial retirement, permits , 35-hour day or the State Public Service Law.

Likewise, and with respect to the State Public Service Law, this union has considered it “essential” to “immediately” resume the negotiations for its final approval, as well as what is contained in the Royal Decree-Law, which once entered in force, must contemplate the priority negotiation of the professional career, as well as the negotiation to agree on the bases for the evaluation of professional performance, among others. The Workers’ Commissions also demand “a legal down payment” to guarantee from January the increases agreed for 2024 and the additional 0.5% once the 2023 GDP is closed.

Likewise, it asks to introduce in the General State Budgets (PGE) of 2024 measures that guarantee the recovery of public employment, with a “correct” planning of the needs for their transfer to the corresponding public employment offers.



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