Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Terrible fall in the Russian Championship! The skater sprained his ankle and did not finish the program

Valeria Kukaleva December 21, 2023, 15:40 Moscow time Audio version: Your browser does not support the audio element.

Alexey Erokhov is suspected of having a fracture.

Parade falls – this is the name of the men’s short program at the Russian Championships in Chelyabinsk. The guys fell one after another, from quadruple jumps and triple axes, but the worst fall happened to Alexey Erokhov.

The 2018 world junior champion took to the ice in the second warm-up and began skating unsuccessfully, falling from a quadruple Salchow. He then cleanly performed a cascade of quad and triple loops, and the final jump, a triple axel, again with a drop.

The skater visually struggled to his feet and did not finish the program, although the music continued to play. Leaning on his knees, he approached the panel of judges and announced his decision.

Erokhov returned to Kiss & Kray with the coaches and left the ice, accompanied by doctors.

Meanwhile, replays of the fateful fall played on the screen.

The broadcast of the Russian Figure Skating Grand Prix is ​​available on Okko.

“This is an ankle and it is very dangerous,” commented Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, visibly worried, taking her place in front of the microphone.

“Let’s hope it’s limited to a sprain,” replied teammate Maxim Trankov.

Later the details of the skater’s condition became known: commentator Alexander Grishin managed to communicate with Alexei’s coach Victoria Butsaeva.

“They took him to the hospital. I exchanged a few phrases with his coach Victoria Butsaeva: she noticed that his leg was very swollen, almost two or three times bigger. It looks like a torn ligament, a fracture is suspected,” Grishin said on the Channel. One.

Naturally, Alexey Erokhov’s rental was not appreciated. He withdrew from the Russian Championships and will not perform in the free skate that will take place tomorrow, December 22; 17 skaters will take to the ice.

We follow rentals in Chelyabinsk online:


The skaters fall one after another! And Kondratyuk did not have any cascades in the short CR. LIVE



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