Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

The Board of Directors of Bankinter, Meeting Today, Has Decided to Propose the Appointment of María Dancasa Treviño Non-Executive President of La Lab in Replacement of Pedro Guerrero Guerrero, Who Ceases in That Position at His Own Request After 17 Years Chairing the Board of administration. Likewise, it has agreed to appoint Gloria Ortiz Portero, current General Director of Commercial Banking, as the entity’s new CEO.

All these changes will take place on March 21, 2024, the date on which the next Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will be held. In this way, the bank maintains the Anglo-Saxon structure and which is within the recommendations of the European Central Bank (ECB) that it had already implemented in 2013: this is a non-executive presidency, with a president of the board of directors, while the functions Executives fall to the CEO.

The new non-executive president, María Dolores Dancausa, had held the position of CEO of Bankinter since October 2010. Previously, between 1995 and 2010, she developed her professional career at Línea Directa Aseguradora, being part of its founding team. During his years at the head of Bankinter, the entity has established itself as one of the most solid and profitable in Europe, with a ROTE (return on tangible capital) above 18% and an ROE above 17%.

For her part, the new CEO, Gloria Ortiz Portero, has extensive experience in the financial and insurance sector. She joined Bankinter in 2001 as Director of Management Control. Subsequently, she adapted her work in the entity as Director of Investor Relations, Financial Director, Director of Digital Banking, Technology and Operations and, since 2021, director of Commercial Banking. She has also led the Corporate and Business Development area and is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Bankinter Innovation Foundation. She is also a director of the Group’s subsidiary companies and President of the Board of Bankinter Luxembourg.

Pedro Guerrero was an Advisory Director of Bankinter between 1990 and 2000, until in April of that last year he became part of the Bank’s Board of Directors, being named Vice President in December 2003.



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