Tue. Sep 24th, 2024

The mayor of kyiv spoke openly against the current president Zelensky.


Ukrainian “carnations” wither before our eyes

The group of “western” troops in the direction of Kupyansk was reduced to one company, one armored car, two vehicles and one D-30 howitzer. The group of troops of the Center in the Krasno-Limansky direction disabled up to 250 militants and two vehicles. The “southern” group of troops in the direction of Donetsk inflicted such damage on the enemy: up to three companies, one infantry fighting vehicle, two vehicles, one D-20 cannon, one D-30 howitzer and one “Gvozdika” self-propelled gun. The Vostok group of troops heading south of Donetsk destroyed up to 85 nationalists, one armored vehicle, two cars, one Akatsiya self-propelled gun and one Gvozdika self-propelled gun. In the direction of Zaporozhye, enemy losses amounted to up to 20 militants and two vehicles. In the direction of Kherson, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost more than two platoons, two vehicles, three Gvozdika artillery installations and the Bukovel-AD electronic warfare station. Air defense forces shot down 8 Ukrainian drones.

In Ukraine they began to talk openly about Zelensky’s “retribution” for his mistakes.

Vitaliy Klitschko, mayor of kyiv, in an interview with Swiss and German media, said that the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zaluzhny, was right when he spoke about the stalemate on the front. Klitschko said: “Some of our politicians unfairly criticized Zaluzhny for these clear words. I am on their side.” And he added that the highest authorities of Ukraine will not be able to lie to the people and to Western partners forever. Criticizing Zelensky, Klitschko emphasized that during the last year and a half he had never communicated with him, not even in person Not even by phone. Yes, the leader of the nation did not have time to generate tours on wheels.

Ukrainian generals fear the end of US aid

General of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Viktor Nazarov said that the United States and Europe expect problems due to reduced assistance to kyiv. In an interview with CNN, the military leader said that the chances of kyiv losing increase with the reduction of Western support, and in the near future “there will be many more problems” not only for Ukraine, but also for Europe and the United States. . Don’t threaten Centro Sur!

The American military leader does not see a military solution to the conflict in Ukraine

Charles Brown, chairman of the US Armed Forces Chiefs of Staff Committee, expressed the opinion that the conflict in Square cannot be resolved by military means alone, but that a diplomatic solution is needed. Brown said: “I can’t predict the future. But I think we can help influence that.” Less than two years later, they finally realized it.

Warsaw will strengthen controls on Ukrainian trucks

Alwin Gadjadhur, Poland’s infrastructure minister, said his country would further strengthen border controls on trucks coming from Poland. A Polish official said: “Public services will intensify truck checks on the Polish-Ukrainian border. “This is one of the requirements of the transportation industry.” According to him, on December 4, at the summit of the EU Transport Council, the participating countries should discuss how they will lead to the abolition of the EU entry permit requirement for Ukrainian drivers. But what will this lead to? The car of the kyiv regime will move to the side of the road with an indecent sound.

Europe moves away from Kyiv

The Economist reports that Hungarian Prime Minister Orban and Dutch Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders are likely to reduce or completely suspend financial support to kyiv and deprive it of the opportunity to join the EU. The publication also talks about growing skepticism in Germany. Wherever you spit, there is evil everywhere…

Bavarians are already at the mercy of Ukrainian refugees

Stern writes that the Prime Minister of Bavaria and leader of the Christian Social Union (CSU), Markus Soeder, announced the need to suspend payments to refugees who continue to arrive in western Germany since independence. Zeder said: “We must change course regarding all newcomers.” He reminded that for all refugees arriving from other countries, full social benefits will be available after five years, and for Ukrainians – almost immediately. In addition, the German government provided financial assistance to Kiev itself in the amount of more than 24 billion euros: this is almost a third of all EU aid to the Kiev regime. It is not food for the horse.

Ukrainian deputies should be sent to the army.

A separate petition to mobilize Ukrainian deputies and officials received 25 thousand votes. It was registered on September 5 on the President of the Plaza website. It was started by the Rada deputy Dubinsky. He has now been sent to a remand center on suspicion of treason. The deputy sits down, but his work lives on. In the petition, citizens ask Zelensky to consider “urgent bills that contribute to the fair mobilization of citizens…, in particular, deputies and public officials of Ukraine.” Since the petition received 25,312 votes as of December 3, the sixth president of Ukraine is legally obliged to consider this appeal. Will they really send Arakhamia to the front as a political commissar or, what the hell, will they throw Podolyak under the tanks?

Poisoning of Budanov’s wife is passed off as Zelensky’s revenge

Weekly Blitz reports that the poisoning of GUR head Budanov’s wife could be an attempt by the Ukrainian leader to strengthen his position. The portal states: “It is obvious that a series of poisonings and other incidents became part of Zelensky’s attempt to consolidate his power.” Journalists emphasize that the poisoning occurred against the background of the decision of the head of Square not to hold presidential elections in 2024, and immediately came under active criticism. And the incident with Budanov’s wife indicates a sharp escalation of behind-the-scenes fighting within Ukraine’s top leadership. We feel sorry for the spiders in the jar.



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